How To Make Your Content More Engaging : 5 Easy Peasy Ways


08 September 2018


Content marketing

Content marketing is an essential tool to increase the net reach of a business. Especially since consumers are becoming more and more research dependent to choose from hundreds of options for the same product or service.

“Google” has now become a verb and customers “google” everything before buying. In this scenario, content marketing becomes very important to make sure the customers get to see your website and content. Search Engine Optimized text and smart use of keywords are important to make your content visible.

However, just attracting a customer to your website is not enough. Keeping your website visitors engaged is equally, if not more, important. But how do you do that? Here are a few things you can do to engage your website visitors. Content Marketing.

Different Ways Content Marketing Can Make Things Possible For You   

There are several factors you have to take care of if you want to multiply your business in the right direction. Content Marketing can make things easier for you.

1. Keep Your Content Informative:

The prime objective of your website and the aim of your customer is to gather information regarding a particular subject. Thus, while experimenting with everything else, do not undermine the importance of quality information in content marketing. Focus on incorporating a diverse range of subjects in your content, add news pieces, and give your readers more reasons to visit your website multiple times.

2. Present Data via Infographics:

Statistics automatically increase the quality of your content. But let’s face it, numbers can get boring if not presented correctly. Thus including data in your content without making the readers lose their interest in the content can be a tough job. A good and proven way is to use infographics. Curate your own infographics based on reliable data. However, it is important to keep in mind that the data should be readable and understandable by your readers.

 3. Include Videos:

Videos are much more engaging than text, especially when it comes to informative text. Curate videos related to the products or services you offer. You can also include clippings of interviews or news that presents information relating to your services. For example, if you offer natural and organic skincare products, you can add news clippings talking about the harmful effects of toxins in cosmetic products.

To be more engaging, use animation and curate your own video describing why the customer needs what you are offering. It is advertising yes, but also a part of your content. Hence, do not shy away from using videos on your website.

4. Use Pop Culture:

One thing we can all agree on is that no one likes to read boring content. You have to put in efforts to make your content more interest-grabbing. A good option is to use pop culture references so that the customers can relate your content to their daily lives. While this does not mean there should be any compromise on the level of information, it surely will help you develop a connection between your services and your customers all the while making your content more enjoyable.

5. Personal Touch Is Important:

While the prime function of your content is to give out information, personal touch to your content can make it even more reliable and relatable to your customers. Sharing your personal experience regarding any particular subject, or an anecdote of an incident while availing of service shows that the information you provide comes from experience and is thus practically useful to your customer.

You can even hire content marketing service providers to enhance your visibility and access online or invest in a WordPress maintenance service to manage your website so you can focus more time on marketing. The above-mentioned points help you make your content engaging. However, it is also crucial to make sure that your content is shareable. Add in sharing links for different social media platforms. Keep the comment section open and try reverting back to your customer’s feedback regarding your content. These little things can help you get the best out of your business’s online presence.

Read Also:

  • Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO
  • Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing

I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Content Marketing

Crucial Role of Content Marketing in Local Business

What Is Content Marketing?It’s a form of marketing wherein brands create and share online content. It could be in the form of blogs, videos, social media posts, reviews, descriptions, etc.Content marketing does not explicitly promote a company/brand (although there can be promotional content). Instead, it aims to generate interest in a service/product via customer education and awareness. Why Is Content Marketing Important? Content marketing holds immense importance for brands for myriad reasons. Some of those are:It educates people about your products/services and brand in general It answers the questions people may have about you You can build long-lasting relationships with people through content In the long run, it establishes you as an authority in the market It can improve conversion rates It’s the primary source of lead generationWhen all else fails, the fact that most people expect high-quality content from their most favored brands is the reason for companies to churn out content regularly. Does Content Marketing Work for Small Businesses? The short answer to this question is - YES. It does work. Small businesses often feel at a loss as they don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on ads every month. But, with content marketing, they can secure top positions in SERPs for keywords with high search volume.By investing a few hundred dollars in some quality blog posts, they can almost get the same traction as big companies often do by spending thousands. Reasons Your Company Needs Content Marketing:Better Social Media Traction: Content creation is the basis of securing a huge following on social media. However, just having followers is not enough. To keep them interested and engaged as you progress, you present them with information that interests them.If you’re having a hard time securing any traction on social media despite a big following; you may need to tweak your content strategy. Establish Trust With Your Audience: Through content, you can address people’s pain points in your arena. When customers see that you can help them out, it will inevitably establish a sense of trust with them. Builds Authority: By churning out quality pieces such as those around possible future trends in the industry and data analysis, a brand can establish itself as an authority in the niche. As people read and interact through your content, they will think highly of your brand. Brands that regularly publish quality and authoritative content tend to enjoy more customers and better sales. Greater Return on a Smaller Investment: Unlike traditional marketing that requires a ton of budget but can only reach a small number of prospects; with content marketing, you can reach a much wider audience with very little expenditure. If applied correctly, the return on investment from content marketing can be exponential.This arrangement is particularly good for small businesses as they are mostly short on the marketing budget. For a tiny budget, they can secure a strong footing in the industry. Expose Your Business to New Prospects and a Larger Audience: By optimizing your content for location-specific keywords, you can widen your outreach. There’s no limitation to the amount of audience you can target with the help of your content marketing efforts.It’s all about how creatively you find topics and promote them through a combination of strategies. Whether you’re a local business or a global one; content can keep on bringing new prospects and a bigger audience to you. Boosts Organic Search Visibility: Through the means of regular blogging and social media posts, you can make sure that more and more people can find you organically. Organic visibility is when a person can see you in the search results against queries related to your industry terms or your brand name.Content marketing and SEO strategy will help you appear naturally in search engines like Google and Bing. Content Can Be a Major Lead Magnet for Growing Businesses: By crafting helpful content and placing CTAs strategically in that content, you can get quality leads. With the help of free content such as guides, how-tos, infographics you can prompt the desired user action. It could be getting them to a landing page and getting them to subscribe to a service.Every lead magnet, in the end, must rely on quality content. How to Score Your Content? Often writers are unable to quantify what kind of content is best for their brand as well as the audience. With the help of content scoring, they can objectively look at their content process and identify the pieces that are proving to be the most valuable.Based on this evaluation, they can replicate their best-performing content strategy to create similar traction in the future as well.Here’s the content scoring process to stick with - Decide on a metric - For your scoring system to be effective, you must decide on an engagement metric. Based on the success of that engagement metric, you can see what type of content is creating the biggest impact. For some, this can mean page view. For others, it can be the number of shares on Facebook. Devise a campaign - After deciding on the metric, you need to draft a campaign that can meet the said metric threshold. For instance, if you feel 1,000 pageviews are good enough, start pouring in content assets that can meet those criteria. Monitor the performance - See how well each content piece is doing. Keep adding the pieces of content to your campaign that meets the criteria. You can use HubSpot Analytics to track performance. Find out Patterns - After you have the results from your analytics at hand, see if you can spot any patterns in your best-performing content. You can then take out those elements and replicate them across all the content pieces you write. Repeat - You should know that content is an ongoing process. With time you may notice new patterns emerging. Keep taking necessary action accordingly based on new insights. Bottom Line: No matter your niche or industry; if you’re a part of the online sphere you simply cannot do without an effective content marketing strategy at hand.Read Also:Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO 6 reasons your content is not ranking well on Google  5 Types of Digital Marketing How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing

content marketing

Required Content Marketing for Your E-Commerce

According to HubSpot, in 2019, 75% of the world's companies used content marketing and found it more efficient than other ways to attract customers. Small businesses with up to five employees predominate among them. The fact is that young companies with budget deficits, in contrast to large market players, prefer to invest in useful content, offering users detailed and objective reviews. Popular sites for content marketing:Blogs on a store's website or a third-party site; video channels; thematic forums; affiliated websites.A blog on an E-Commerce site may include product reviews, sales leader ratings, interesting case studies, recipes and application examples, detailed answers to customer questions, stories about creating a product line and other useful content that will show your expertise in this subject.YouTube channel is an absolute must-have for shops, whose products can be spun in the hands, show in work and express their impressions. For today YouTube is a search engine where you can find answers to almost any questions. Tell your customers which bike is best for the city and tires for the ice. And you'll notice how customers will reach out to you.Thematic forums and partner sites are the right places to post quality content, where you can demonstrate expertise in your niche. User-generated content of the E-Commerce E-commerce is an excellent platform for generating content by users and customers. Reviews, Q&As, photo and video reviews of products provide an opportunity to receive unique and useful content almost for free. It's enough only:simplify registration; add authorization through social networks; abolish premoderation; motivate users to communicate and express themselves; ask to bark, share in social networks; provoke discussion; to give bonuses for comments or reviews.The advantage of content marketing can be considered an increase in the image and customer loyalty due to the trust in the expert opinion of the store. With the same level of traffic to useful content and to the selling page, the content gives the best conversion into sales. If your niche is not yet engaged in content marketing, you have a great opportunity to become an expert and leader in their field.The disadvantage of this method of attracting clients in high labor costs and the long-lasting effect of investments. But during the regular publication of quality materials, the cost of each client involved is constantly falling, which makes content marketing profitable in the long term. Criteria for the effectiveness of content marketing Google Analytics, together with E-Commerce reporting, allows you to track all quantitative and qualitative indicators of content marketing efficiency:viewings; malfunctions; time on the site; number of subscribers; likes, reposting, comments; returns to the site; lids and sales; conversion rate; marketing costs.Sales and lids are just one of the criteria for efficiency. Much more emphasis is placed by experts on the involvement of the audience, which is subsequently converted into sales.Read Also:7 Proven Marketing Tactics to Increase your ROI in 2018 Creating Successful Mobile Games: What You Need to Know


How to Get What You Want at Work By Strategic Negotiation

There are things at work that employees want to get and things that employees want to achieve at work, but they keep thinking that it is hard. However, there is something that employees can use to get the things that they want, and that is through strategic negotiation.Negotiating is one of the things that people seriously don’t like. Whether it is a confrontation or mindset that they are people that don't deserve to win, there are a lot of people who avoid any situations which require negotiation. However, strategic negotiation doesn’t have to be always like that.Negotiation can be helpful to achieve the things that you want. Here are the things that you can do to utilize strategic negotiation in getting something at work successfully. Always Prepare  When entering a negotiation without a proper plan, strategy and preparation can already conclude your defeat. Always prepare for the battle. Start with yourself. Ensure that you are apparent on the things that you want. Conducting research is important. It can be helpful to understand their needs, as well as their weaknesses and strengths. Ask for your manager or co-employees for some help and opinions. Take Your Time   Instant approval for any request at work can tend to be lousy. Some managers do not enjoy negotiating and want to get done with it as soon as possible. It is understandable. However, it is important to take time on asking for something. Just like SEO experts in NYC who take their job seriously, It’s much better when you don’t rush things. Negotiating Process is Continual, Not an Individual Event Excellent negotiating results are just an outcome of a healthy relationship with the involved party. It is necessary to cultivate a relationship ahead of time. For the same reason, it is important that you constantly look for opportunities that will grow your relationship with the management. There are cases that even before having any discussions, managers determine the outcome already. Find the Bargaining Chip In addition to taking advantage of someone’s weaknesses, focus on taking extreme advantage of your strengths. It is essential to establish a firm foundation while negotiating. You can also demonstrate your expertise and knowledge about things.However, make sure that the skills that you’ll show will have a substantial impact on the thing or position that you need. It can determine a good result especially if the managers see that you deserve it.You are already establishing your credibility at work. It is challenging playing catch-up while negotiating, so it is better to take the initiative and guide the process in the direction that will favor you. Don’t Tag Your Ego Along Employees who attain success in getting the things that they want don’t usually show that they care about the result. However, it is their strategy to make the other side feel that it is okay to reject them, just as long as they tried. Timing is Everything Timing is everything, so it is important to pay attention to it. Timing is key in any negotiation. It is important to know what to ask, but you also need to be sensitive when to ask for it. There are times that you can go forward, and there also times that you need to wait.It is best to look for the best time before pressing for the thing that you want. However, watch out of pushing things too hard, because it may pollute a long-term relationship with you boss. Go For a Win-Win Solution Throughout the negotiation, always try to determine things that are acceptable for the management. It can be a mixture of various things that aren’t necessarily everything that you wanted. It is important that you understand the management or your supervisor's priorities, like how you also understand your priorities.So it is better to think of the things that you would do if you were in their position. When constructing a negotiations or requests to your boss, it is okay to attempt in satisfying some of the company's priorities but make sure that it doesn’t weaken your position.Always be ready to give up some things in exchange for the things that you want. It is smart if you know your limits, and how far are you willing to go just to get the deal. Stick To Your Principles As an individual and employee, you will have your set of values and principles that you don’t want to compromise. If you see that the negotiations will break some of those principles, then it can be something that you can throw away. Getting What You Want You can compare successful negotiation to a chess game. It requires different things like awareness, creativity, timing, and anticipation of your opponent’s next move. When using negotiation to get something from work, it is important to anticipate that your boss might have something up their sleeve to rebut and say no to your request. Your moves must be progressive so that you can expect the same from your boss.While creating the plot of the strategy, it is important that you anticipate the end game. Also, you need to be ready for the outcome. After getting the job done, and getting what you want, it is appropriate to end the negotiation with a handshake. Takeaway As an employee, some requests and promotions seem too hard to attain. Negotiations can be helpful for employees to have an approval on the requests and promotions that they are aiming. With proper planning and an in-depth strategic negotiation, you can easily achieve it. The things listed above are the things that can help you get what you want at work.