You might hesitate about the idea of using traditional marketing strategies in fear that they won’t work. You think that people will ignore the roll-up banners and posters you put up because everyone is getting information online.
Several established companies are still using banners and posters to advertise. They see the benefits of using these strategies to win the hearts of people. It does not mean though that you will also succeed like these companies. It depends on the information you include on the banner and its overall appeal. There are signs which tell you that you did a great job with your marketing campaign.
More enquiries:
If you start receiving phone calls and emails about your company, it is a sign that your campaign is working. People won’t have an idea about your business unless they saw your banners. They might also be calling to ask questions because they want to know more about your business. It does not mean that these enquiries will translate into sales, but it is a good start.
They can give opinions in surveys:
You conduct surveys regularly to find out how other people feel about your company. If they have a favourable impression, it is a good thing. If they don’t have a favourable opinion, at least you can work on it. The worst is when they don’t have any opinion at all. It means that they have never heard about your company before, or none of your marketing campaigns worked. If you conduct a survey and people have formed an opinion, your marketing campaign is working.
Increase in web traffic:
Social media mentions:
People love posting anything interesting online. If they find your banners exciting and wish to share this information with other people, expect them to display the image online and tag your page. If there is a sudden increase in social media mentions even if you have no recent online marketing campaign, it is a sign that your traditional marketing campaign is doing well.
No marketing campaign becomes an overnight success. Whether you decide to go online or choose traditional techniques, you need to wait for a while before you know if your campaign has worked. If you decided on banners and posters, look for these signs to see if you did a great job, or you need to do better next time.
However, it doesn’t mean that if you don’t see any of these signs, you shouldn’t use banners anymore. Perhaps, you need to change the information you put up or look for a better location where more people can see the banners. It takes time, but it will be worth it.
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