What Are Renewable Sources And How To Introduce Your Household


09 January 2018


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In the face of exhaustion of so many natural resources and ever-increasing pollution some of them cause, the need has arisen for renewable and less aggressive sources of energy. You must have heard of so many alternatives to fossil fuels which, unlike them, can be regenerated or replenished.

If you are environmentally conscious or trying to become so, you are probably thinking about introducing some of those alternative resources, at least partially, since any decrease in CO2 emission or electricity usage is helpful to the planet. Numerous tech companies are attempting to introduce these technologies into our everyday lives like https://www.streetlights-solar.com/solar-street-lighting.html.

Here is a brief overview of the most popular and most convenient renewable energy sources. The most popular ones are biomass, geothermal, wind, solar and water. They are all very useful and applicable in the industry, however not all of them can be easily introduced in your household, so here some more info about that, too.

Solar Energy Systems

Photovoltaic (solar) systems have become the most widely spread renewable source of energy in households. Solar modules turn solar energy into electricity. They can be used to provide electricity, heating and hot water. These photovoltaic modules, better known as solar panels, have no movable parts, so they’re quite reliable and don’t require much maintenance.

The most common way they are made is a group of photovoltaic cells in order to reach a size and electrical output which makes it viable and usable. They are really practical and suitable to use both in rural and urban areas because they don’t take up too much space, they don’t make any noise and aren’t heavy. Once installed, these devices are completely independent of the electrical grid and can power the devices that are connected to them.

There are several types of photovoltaic cells, so always contact solar energy experts for help before you make a decision which ones to install. Solar panels come in different sizes, from 2 to 350 Wp electricity output, but the most widely sold and used sizes are from 160 to 240 Wp. Photovoltaic modules are either stand-alone, usually installed in a frame, free-standing or on a roof, or most often integrated into the building itself.

Wind Generators

I’m sure you’ve all seen those huge wind turbines beside the road, but did you know you can actually have a wind generator at home? Wind turbines normally use horizontal axis with propeller-like blades, but wind more aerodynamic wind generators and the ones with the vertical axis are also being developed in order to try and overcome the problem of noise in urban usage. They are less efficient than the horizontal axis turbines but offer a compromise which can bring them to the urban households.

Household wind generators are normally used to charge the battery bank for stand-alone electricity systems.  They are usually installed in distant, semi-rural locations in order to optimize the output potential. Wind generators for domestic use are usually sized from about 300W to as high as 20kW. It is necessary to assess the location’s potential before choosing the size.

Combination of wind and solar systems is ideal for the whole year-round, as the photovoltaic panels are the best in the summer, and wind generators are the most efficient in winter.

Small Hydro Generators

These generators are the least frequent domestic source of renewable energy as they operate by converting the flowing water energy to electricity and locations with sufficient source of the flowing water energy are incredibly difficult to find. Again, just like with the two previous systems, it is necessary to consults the experts assess the potential of hydro system site.

Despite the apparent difficulties, more and more people are opting to use some degree of renewable energies in a bid to combat the worst of climate change and global warming.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Electricity Rates

Follow These Simple Steps to Compare Electricity Rates Online

You may ask – “Why to bother comparing electricity rates?”Well, the majority of power supply companies in Australia are known for price differentiation. They have different prices for different customers. The rates also change with location.There are many reasons for such situations including:Electricity demand Cost of fuel Maintenance and operating cost of power companies Government regulations, etc.Hence, it is vital to compare the rates before you opt for one company. However, if you have not done so before, there is a high chance you are already paying high prices.Well, worry not as various websites have got you covered! Those dedicated websites can help you compare the electricity rates and plans of various companies across the continent and avail the best deal on offer. How to compare? The process to compare electricity pricing plans differs from websites. However, there are a few simple steps that are generally applicable. Note that, you can also compare gas plans as well.The steps include:Select the type of energy you are looking for: electricity, gas, or both. Enter your postcode. Select the type of property you own – house or business. If house, you may have to provide the number of residents. For example, 1 person, 2 to 3 people, 4 to 5 people, or more than 5 people. Provide some other information. Like, whether you have a smart meter, solar panels, etc. Select the electricity distributor in your area. Select the electricity provider in your area. Enter your recent electricity bill. You can skip this step though. In case you want to provide, you will have to input additional information like peak/off-peak rates, controlled load, etc.After you have entered all the information, hit the respective button to proceed.In the next page, you will get to compare electricity rates and plans of various power companies in your area. What to look for? Look for the following when you compare electricity plans: 1. Late payment fee: The charge you incur if you fail to pay the bill within the due date. 2. Payment processing fee: Some companies charge you a processing fee for each payment. They can also charge you an additional amount for payments made using a credit card. 3. Paper billing fee: You have to pay a fee for having a hard copy of your bill delivered to your home. 4. Tariff charge type: Electricity suppliers have either of the following:Single tariff – Fixed charges up to a particular limit (kWh). Charges increase after crossing this limit. Time of use tariff – Charges differ with time.Companies may have different charges for weekdays and weekends. Weekends may not have off-peak charges, unlike that of weekdays’. 5. Solar feed-in: If you have solar panels installed, you can get subsidies on your bills. Although low, solar feed-in charges can help you save some. 6. Green power: The amount of green power that you can opt for differs with companies. Generally, it ranges from 25 to 100%.So, easily compare electricity rates from these websites, and you might be able to save a considerable amount on your next bill.Read Also:How To Save More Money? Portable Generators: 5 Ways To Keep Them Clean And Running


How to start living off the grid

With things like global warming and climate change becoming increasingly serious topics for discussion, the question of what we can do as individuals to make a difference is being asked more and more frequently. Sometimes it seems futile and the idea that one person can make a difference seems impossible. But the truth is that if lots of individuals are switched on to change then suddenly it’s not just a single person making a difference, it’s a community or a nation and at some point hopefully a world. But what can you do to make a difference and to start using natural resources more sparingly and sustainably? Make informed choices : Just because it is available and it’s cheap, doesn’t mean that it is good. While it might fit your pocket in the short term if it means that your choice is going to contribute to global warming or the rise of the oceans then maybe you need to think twice. Ask questions and tell suppliers what you want. Use a company like Econnex who broker energy solutions across a range of suppliers and make sure you tell them what you want. Price is important, but look to make use of suppliers who use solar and wind as a way of generating electricity, stay far away from old-school fossil fuel solutions. It is possible. Re-use your water : If you collect your used water you will be amazed how much you get through on a daily basis. And unless you have implemented a grey-water solution to collect the used water it all just runs into the drains and disappears. Washing machines and showers and dishwashers. Brushing your teeth. Washing the car. These all use water and lots of it. And there is no need for your water to disappear down the drain after one use, it’s not environmentally friendly and it’s expensive. Water needs to be used as often as possible and with a few simple systems implemented it can be done easily. Solar is real : The sun has all the energy that we need and it is free. Traditionally storing solar energy has been the biggest problem preventing larger-scale rollouts of solar solutions. But on an almost daily basis, the technology that makes solar power effective is getting better and cheaper. Panels are much cheaper than they were ten years ago and batteries and other energy storage system are getting smaller and cheaper while increasing their capacity to store energy. Solar is the way of the future and it is something that can be done on a home-by-home basis. It is even possible to contribute electricity to the national grid and be a supplier rather than a consumer. Collect rainwater : Much like the sun in the paragraph above, rain is another resource that comes from the sky for free. It is clean and free and if we just put in place ways to store it, we could very quickly free ourselves from the need to buy water from the government. It might cost a bit to buy some tanks at the start of the process, but if your plan is to go off-grid and be totally independent then it’s a small price to pay for independence and sustainable living.Read More : What Are Renewable Sources And How To Introduce Them Into Your Household? Create A Stunning Outdoor Space With These Residential Landscape Lighting Tips Close Look At Top 5 Roofing Materials – Pros And Cons

Solar Panels

Ready Rooftops – How to Install Solar Panels

Solar power has risen in popularity rapidly all over Australia since the sudden decrease in costs at the beginning of the turn of the century and the advances in solar technology which have made commercial solar power much more accessible and affordable for all. With the continuing rise in the use of solar power, more and more home and business owners are moving to this renewable energy source and enjoying the benefits of green power.If you are deciding whether or not to make the switch to solar power, there are some things you need to consider before you go solar. Understanding the installation process is important to ensure that you install your solar panels for optimum efficiency. Most homeowners and business owners can install panels right away but there are a few things to be aware of so that your panel installation is a success and you can enjoy the benefits of solar power for many years to come.Let’s take a closer look at a few things that individuals and businesses should keep in mind before and during the installation of a new solar panel system. Determine How Much Power Will Be Produced: Before you install solar panels on your property, it’s important to take some time to do the necessary calculations in relation to the property you want to install your solar panels on to find out how much your solar system will produce. It doesn’t take long to do the calculations and once you have the results, you can determine how much power you can expect from your solar installation. Most solar installation companies can do an evaluation of your property before you install your panels to ensure it’s a suitable match for solar energy. Evaluate Your Roof: Evaluating your roof to see that it is appropriate to generate solar power is critical before you install your panels. This is usually done by the company before any contract is signed to ensure that the user will be able to make the most of the solar energy collected. However, it is not a bad idea to consider assessing your roof and position beforehand yourself too. If a roof is very shaded or the property is hidden from direct sunlight by another building or foliage, it may be necessary to reconsider your decision to go solar or come up with a different approach. For example, it’s possible to build solar installations on lawns which can equally benefit your property. Decide How Many Panels You Will Need: Prior to your installation, you should find out how many solar panels you will need, in terms of the size and scale of the solar installation and the number of photovoltaic cells. In order to find out this information, you should analyse your property and the energy capacity it currently works off. By carrying out an energy audit, you should be able to say with certainty how much power you need to use to fuel your home or business and therefore be able to decide on the measurements for your installation without any problems. Structurally Sound: If you have decided that installing a solar panel system on your roof is the right move, you will have to make sure that your roof is structurally sound and can take the weight and physical attachment of the system. Solar panel installations can last up to 30 years without any need to remove them so it is best to know that your roof will not need to be refurbished a few years down the road. Install Your Solar Panels And Enjoy A Greener Future: Once you have evaluated your home to ensure that the property is a good candidate for a solar installation, you will need to call your installation company. They will give the property one final look-over before and give you the green light before you complete the necessary paperwork. After the contract has been signed, you will be able to go ahead and prepare the orders for photovoltaic or thermal cells and the right inverter for your electric wiring.As soon as everything is set in place, you can set a date for the installation of your solar panels. Your installation company will do the rest of the work for you, install the panels and connect you to the national electricity grid so that you can take advantage of any excess energy that is produced through your system. With your solar panels installed, you can enjoy all of the benefits of solar power and look forward to a greener future.Read Also:Prepare Your Solar Panels For The Fall How To Start Living Off The GridFeature Image: modernize.com