
28 July 2018



If you have a large amount of credit card debt and you are only making minimum payments every month, you are not going to pay it off any time soon. In fact, if you only make minimum payments, it could be decades before you find yourself debt-free again. It is extremely important to put yourself in a proper financial position, and a good way of doing that is by reducing your credit card bills.

Tips to reduce Credit Card Bills:

Here are a few tips on how to reduce your credit card bills that will help you pay off your debt:

1. Take Stock:

Before you start to reduce your credit card bills make sure you know where you stand. By this, we mean know your target. You will never hit the target if you don’t know where it is, so be honest with yourself.

2. Pay more than the minimum:

As discussed before, if you only make minimum payments each month, then it will take ages before you find yourself debt-free again. Thus, it is clear that paying more than the minimum due you can lower your monthly credit card bills, but still, so many customers struggle in making that the priority. Making a little more than the minimum payment every month will eventually help you in the long run.

3. Ask your credit card company for lower rates:

A simple and quick way to lower your credit card bill is by negotiating a lower interest rate. Just by reducing the rate of interest by one or two percent, you can save hundreds of bucks. Try calling your creditors and ask them politely to lower your rates. If you have a good credit score and have been a loyal customer to them, then you can easily negotiate and get yourself a lower interest rate.

4. Target one card at a time:

People often use multiple credit cards to buy stuff. More cards mean more accounts which eventually leads to more debts. If you are using multiple credit cards, then a good way to lower the bill is by targeting one card at a time. Focus on one account and try to clear that first. Get the minimum for each card, but pay as much as you can on the card you are targeting first.  Usually, paying the card with the highest interest rate works.

5. Make a budget:

Make yourself a budget every month and stick to it. It can be difficult to adjust your lifestyle too quick, so instead, try going for small adjustments. It can be as simple as cutting out one or two pizzas each week or by changing your thermostat by few degrees. Reducing your costs a little bit can help you out in the long run. Remember to save yourself a few extra bucks every month in case an unexpected bill pops up.

6. Make two minimum payments every month:

A good way to lower your bill is by making two minimum payments. Since credit cards apply interest daily, cutting your balance during the month will reduce the minimum payment for the next month.

7. Transfer your balance:

Another good way to reduce your monthly payments is by transferring the balance from a card with a high-interest rate to a card with a low-interest rate. If done properly, this can save you hundreds of bucks every year. Remember that credit cards with a low rate of interest are mostly introductory offers which last about a year and a half, so make sure pay off the debt before the rate of interest increases.


We hope these tips can help you to reduce your credit card bills. If you know more tips on lowering the bill, post them in the comment sections below! hence if you want to make your choices in the right direction then the use if the credit card bills can make things work for you in all possible manners. Work out the best strategy that can help you to achieve your objectives in the best possible ways.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Term Life Insurance

Some Kinds of Death are Not Covered by Term Life Insurance

When you think about life insurance, you think about the financial security it will provide your family when you die. What most people don’t think about is the fact that there are certain types of death that are not covered by term life insurance.Term life insurance is the most common and affordable type of life insurance policy. With term life insurance, you are covered for a specific number of years before the policy expires. You then have the option of renewing it. If you die during the term, however, your insurance will provide death benefits to your beneficiary.You should know that term life insurance policies have some coverage exceptions – particularly when it comes to the type of death. This is an important consideration as you purchase a life insurance policy, or if you are continuing to manage one. Deaths Not Covered by Term Life Insurance There are certain reasons why your term life insurance won’t payout upon your death. These coverage exceptions can be a hassle for beneficiaries and loved ones who rely on your life insurance to cover medical, funeral, or burial expenses. Deaths that may not be covered by your term life insurance policy include: Fraudulent Deaths If you commit life insurance fraud or someone lies about the cause of death, your life insurance company may refuse to pay death benefits. It is important, to be honest, and forthcoming when applying for life insurance about any medical conditions or dangerous conditions you are in. Dangerous Hobby-Related Deaths If your lifestyle is dangerous or you have dangerous hobbies, these activities may affect your life insurance. For example, certain pilots are required to opt-in for special aviation coverage in order to get life insurance. If they are killed in a flying accident, beneficiaries will not get death benefits. If you regularly engage in dangerous hobbies – bungee jumping, scuba diving, or free-climbing – you need to inform your insurance agent or carrier upfront. You may be required to list these hobbies or opt into additional coverage.You may also have a higher premium. Be honest, even if it does mean a higher premium. As noted previously, if you lie on your application or about the cause of death, your beneficiaries are the ones who will suffer. Murder If one of your beneficiaries murders you with the intent of collecting your insurance money, they won’t prevail. The Slayer statute prohibits death benefits from being paid out to anyone who murders or is tied to the murder of the insured. If this happens, death benefits will be distributed to your contingent beneficiaries or your estate. Suicide Most life insurance policies have a “suicide clause”. This clause states that if you commit suicide during the first two years the policy is active, then the policy will not cover the death or pay death benefits. This is designed to prevent individuals from obtaining a policy and then immediately committing suicide.If the death is possibly suicide, such as a drug overdose, then the insurance company may deny coverage. They will have to prove that the insured committed suicide (the death was deliberate) and not the result of an accident. Make Sure You Understand Your Life Insurance Policy As you can see, there are a variety of situations that could result in your life insurance refusing to pay death benefits to your loved ones. You should talk to your insurance agent to find out specifically what is and is not covered by your term life insurance policy. Make sure your insurance agent is up-to-date on any medical conditions you have or any changes in your hobbies or occupation. Doing so can help prevent your loved ones from experiencing the unfortunate scenario that is a life insurance coverage denial.Read Also:A Detailed Guide to Cashless Car Insurance Policy Insurance- Need of the time How Private Hire Insurance Takes You Out from Problems? Self-employed Health Insurance: Best Types for Every Freelancer

Short-Term Loans

Using Short-Term Loans to Help Rebuild Your Credit Score

Life in America is difficult enough without someone having to deal with credit issues. A low credit score usually has a profound effect on the choices people make and how they may have to live their lives. Make use of short-term loans to improve your credit score.No matter what kind of financial difficulties you may find yourself dealing with, nothing is ever etched in stone. Even bankruptcy comes with time constraints that make certain you will get a second chance. The truth is there are ways someone with a bad credit score can actively participate in fixing their own credit score.The discussion below will discuss how short-term loans can be used by borrowers to help rebuild their credit scores. Different Ways Short Term loans can improve Your Credit Score Are As Follows:-     There are multiple ways Short term loans can help you to improve your credit score. In this article, you will get the complete details of it. The Stigma of Bankruptcy: When someone is forced into bankruptcy to protect certain assets and their overall well-being, there's a price that has to be paid in the eyes of the credit market. Lenders don't like to be left holding the bag. The ultimate penalty is a substandard credit score, which subsequently makes it very difficult for the individual to borrow any kind of money for a period of time, usually not to exceed 10 years.What everyone has to remember is that poor credit performance is a historical perspective on the borrower's past behavior. Based on historical facts, potential lenders can rightfully assume the individual is a poor credit risk. The good news is history is a constantly evolving notion that gets rewritten every day. Using Short Term Debt to Rebuild One's Credit Score: If someone wants to rebuild their credit score, they have to convert bad financial behaviors into good financial behaviors. No matter how low someone's credit score might get, it's an objective rating based on certain criteria. As such, it can improve just as easily as it can fall apart.As you contemplate how to repair and rebuild your credit, you need to be aware that the only way to increase your rating is by strictly adhering to all future obligations. To that end, there's an interesting strategy you can employ to speed up the process.First, it's duly noted it is going to be difficult for you to secure new loans. Your credit score ratios and payment profile will interfere with the approval process. However, it's worth the effort for you to do whatever's necessary to establish short term debt with manageable terms. Initially, you might have to swallow high-interest rates and lender-friendly terms to secure a credit card, title loan or whatever other kinds of loan you can get.Once you have the first short-term loan in place, your credit score might take a small dip. However, your credit score will eventually start increasing as you make your payments on time. At some point, you can pay off that loan early and followup by securing a new loan. As you continue abiding by your agreements and perhaps exceeding expectations, your credit score with pick up momentum to the upside.Eventually, your bad credit history will fade into the past, being replaced by new credit history that supports the fact you are again becoming a worthy risk.How well does this approach work? Bankruptcy stays on your record for approximately 10 years. If you can represent to a succession of lenders that the past is the past and you are now able to handle your responsibilities, that bankruptcy will lose significance in the eyes of many lenders.Read Also:5 Smart Ways To Boost Your Credit Score 7 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster Are Payday Loans Really As Bad As People Say? Title Loan Requirements: What You Do And Don’t Need

Silver Dollars

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Shopping for Silver Dollars for Sale

Any form of financial activity is susceptible to traps and common mistakes. As an investor in precious metals, you’d want to avoid such misfortune, considering the volatility that accompanies these currencies. With that said, you should understand the precariousness associated with silver dollars and still avoid pitfalls in your investment strategy.Below are four mistakes you should avoid when shopping for silver dollars for sale. Unrealistic Expectations One of the biggest mistakes investors make, albeit their experience level, is impatience and greed. Similarly, many newbies in metal investment think it is a done deal, and prices can only go up in the short term. Wrong!The recipe for success in metal investment lies in patience and knowing that it is a long-term endeavor. You can only quantify your success over the years, not months. So, if you think this is a get-rich scheme, you have unrealistic expectations, which are a deathbed for your downfall.Before you venture into the business, evaluate your investment goals, why you are looking to sell silver dollars, and whether there is market stability.In most cases, you might be considering silver dollars for sale due to some global economic conditions that hardly change. This means that you should be in the business for the long haul. Don’t jump ship because you haven’t seen results in two weeks or months. Also, remember the flip side. Chasing the PriceSome investors put all their faith in one investment strategy, and when it fails, they drop it for another. In most cases, investors feel that they have the best strategy, and it is guaranteed to work. However, when it doesn’t work, they blame it and take on another. In this instance, you should note that the problem lies with the investor, not the strategy.You need to approach such with the level-headedness they deserve. You should take a step back and allow the tactic some more time. Remember, investing in silver dollars for sale is a long-term holding. You can’t measure its success accurately in weeks or months. Minimal Research When you encounter something new, you can simply take advice from friends or websites and take the leap. There is significant information you must learn about silver dollars, and that means you should sift through misinformation too.While there are sound blogs that offer relevant information about the investment, make sure to assert the veracity of any information you collect. Learn how to identify fake silver dollars from the original ones by consulting with experienced investors.This information can be found on company blogs or websites hosted by wholesalers and dealers. Also, keep up to date with the latest information from the US Mint. Assess the MarketSilver dollars prices will fluctuate as this is the innate nature of the market. As an investor, you should keep tabs, weigh the value and ensure your product gets a fair price. Always check the market from time to time to know the best time to buy and vice versa.Use these tips to avoid the common mistakes when buying silver dollars for sale. Now that you know, you can confidently invest.Read Also:Is Investment Bankers/Brokers/Service A Good Career Path In 2021? Top 5 Investment Decisions You Need To Make In Your Thirties How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? 2021 Updated