Global warming is a worldwide problem that results from pollution and excess emission of harmful gases such as carbon dioxide.
Therefore, different countries have come up with ways on how to deal with this problem. However, it is important for other people to play a part in conserving the environment and doing the right thing.
Using electric bicycles is one of the ways you can save the planet. What are the environmental benefits of using eBikes?
Zero emissions :
An eBike relies on pedal power combined with an electric motor to reduce emissions. eBikes are highly recommended because they run on clean energy that would not harm the environment. Unlike diesel or gas that give off different amounts of carbon, an eBike won’t emit any gas. According to research, you can reduce your carbon footprint by using an eBike to run errands, cruise along with friends and commute to work.
They have long-lasting batteries :
The batteries of eBikes last for years before they are replaced. This means that, if you own an e-bike, you will reduce waste thus saving the planet. In addition, eBike batteries are mainly made from, unlike other batteries that contain lead. As a result, after replacing the batteries and throwing them away, they will not affect other living things and the environment because lithium is not poisonous. Lead is a heavy metal and when exposed to living things it has carcinogenic effects. Most cars and trucks use lead batteries and hence they have numerous effects on the environment.
eBikes can be charged after peak hours :
After using your bike for a while, you will have to charge it to continue using it in the future. Since the battery lasts long, you will have plenty of time in the evening to charge it. When you charge after peak hours, you will use the excess power generated by the power company and you won’t cause any blackouts and brownouts. Furthermore, you will not strain the power grid and thus save energy. Saving energy is one of the ways you can make this planet a better place.
The bikes can be charged using sustainable energy :
You can use wind or solar power to charge the battery of your bike. This is quite helpful because you don’t have to rely on electricity or other forms of energy only. Sustainable energy is mainly renewable and has no effects on the planet whatsoever. As more people are adopting this form of energy, being able to charge your bike using sustainable energy is an advantage. Some sources of energy e.g. generators rely on fuel to generate energy and this has a negative impact on the environment because of the gases emitted. This is not the case with renewable sources of energy such as water, geothermal and wind.
eBikes causes less wear and tear on the roads :
Besides polluting the air with their exhaust, automobiles destroy roadways because they are heavy and probably they are carrying the heavy road. When the roads break down and require repairs, heavy machinery is used to patch the roads. The heavy machinery gives off emissions which result in global warming. If you start using an eBike, it is not only lightweight but also easy to use on the roads. This will result in less wear and tear, reduce emissions and expensive repairs on the roads.
eBikes have no air pollution :
Air pollution refers to the production of harmful gases into the atmosphere. Some of the gases produced include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen (IV) oxide. Some of these gases are acidic and when they are emitted, they can cause acid rain. Acid rain has a number of side effects on plants, animals, and structures.
Therefore, reducing the emission of these gases from automobiles, factories, and industries is one of the ways to curb this problem. Also, when chlorofluorocarbons are released to the atmosphere, they accumulate on the upper layers of the atmosphere preventing the rays of the sun from escaping. This results in global warming which changes weather and climate in different places cause tsunamis, melting snow, etc. One of the problems in major cities and towns is air pollution in the form of smog. Smog has varying effects depending on its intensity but causing respiratory problems to man is the main side effect.
It is evident that there are a number of ways we can save the planet when using an eBike. However, everyone must be willing to cooperate to make it a success. Finally, awareness is quite important because some people might not know the benefits of using eBikes.
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