5 Types of Digital Marketing


04 March 2019


Digital Marketing

Marketing is an ever-changing aspect of a business. In the past decade, we’ve seen how modern technology has completely revolutionized the way businesses promote and sell their products and services.

In fact, a 2013 study conducted by Adobe noted that 76 percent of people think that marketing has changed more in the past two years than it did the entire 50 years before. This is even more pronounced today as the Internet becomes more pervasive.

Indeed, the Internet is a game-changing technology with a tremendous impact on modern marketing. Alongside its ubiquity is the rise of online marketing, which many consider having replaced traditional marketing channels, such as TV, radio, and print ads. More and more businesses now adopt this form of marketing. Statista projected that global spending on digital marketing would reach 306 billion dollars in 2020 and account for the majority of marketing efforts.

But while digital marketing has enabled businesses to reach their target audience more readily, the rapidly changing technology and marketing trends have brought in some confusion, especially for businesses that are not well-versed with online marketing.

Today, there are numerous digital marketing trends available to marketers and brands. Each of these methods has its unique uses, as well as, pros and cons. For many businesses, deciding on which digital marketing strategy to take is not easy.

To help you choose the best direction, an expert from a digital marketing agency, Warroom Inc., explains to us the top five time-proven and tested digital marketing types.

Email Marketing:

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a time-tested type of online marketing. This has been around far longer than other digital marketing techniques. While there have been many changes in the way this campaign is done, it remains very useful.

With this strategy, marketers have full control of the message. Email marketing is different from the regular emails you send to a boss or a friend. Marketers use available data regarding a user to come up with carefully crafted and targeted messages based on the recipient’s position in the sales funnel. These emails can range from informational email to product update email to welcome email and many other types.

Email marketing not only gets your message across. You can also gather relevant information about your target audience through emails. With this data, you can come up with a more calibrated and more successful marketing campaigns.

Content Marketing:

Content Marketing

Content marketing is considered the foundation of all other types of digital marketing. With content marketing, you need to regularly produce relevant and interesting contents such as social media posts, videos, articles, blogs, and other creative. Quality content is crucial in bringing across your message and keeping your audience engaged.

Content marketing is a tricky endeavor. There are a lot of things to consider such as grammar and spelling, effective use of keywords, proper messaging, use of graphics, persuasiveness, etc. Keeping the content relevant, unique and fresh is also crucial in a successful content marketing campaign.

Social Media Marketing:

Social Media Marketing

According to the 2018 Global Digital suite of reports from We Are Social and Hootsuite, there are 3 billion social media users worldwide. This makes social media a very effective platform for advertising and promoting your brand to consumers.  Since users are hooked to social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter on a 24/7 basis, it makes it a perfect place to market and sell your products and services.

Aside from the millions of users connected to social networking sites, it is also a cost-effective digital marketing strategy, especially when you’re able to hit the right buttons. The proper use of social media marketing techniques can help ensure that you’re reaching the right audience and get them to use your brand.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Marketing:

seo marketing

SEO Marketing is an essential marketing tool that every business needs. The goal of this marketing campaign is to increase your website’s visibility by placing it on top of search engines, such as Google and Bing. For example, if a user is looking for a dog grooming kit, you want to place your brand on the first page of Google’s result. You need to know what customers are searching for (keyword research) and optimizing your website around those keywords (keyword optimization). This helps boost traffic to your site.

Link Building:

Link Building

Among the earliest digital marketing trends, link building can help increase the number and quality of inbound links to your website. This can help improve page views and visits, and ultimately, website or webpage ranking. If you want your product to be easily searchable in search engines, then you need to implement link building strategies.

These are just five of the many types of digital marketing out there. Each of these techniques has its own uses that can help you promote and advertise your business.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Social Networks

Strategies to Generate Quality Leads on Social Networks

Lead generation is an important procedure, which is critical to the success of any company. It enables companies to position themselves as a valuable resource for potential clients. Furthermore, if done correctly, it can boost sales and help you expand your firm.That is why companies are constantly looking for new ways to create quality leads. One of the most effective ways to do it nowadays is through social media.Using social media to collect leads will assist you in finding people who are interested in your business. More significantly, these leads will allow you to stay in touch with potential customers, whether it's to make a special offer or to inform them of fresh information.With over 3.5 billion individuals utilizing social media on a daily basis, it is the ideal platform for businesses to connect with potential consumers and generate leads.If you want to amp up your marketing game, social media lead generation is an excellent place to start. The majority of firms today run their campaigns on social media sites. This is because social media provide low-cost marketing to a targeted demographic.Using the appropriate strategies can help you generate high-quality leads via social media. You will see incredible results if your strategy is sound. Otherwise, it may be a complete waste of time and money.We are here to assist you if you are new to this and have little experience with social media lead generation tactics. We'll look at some of the most effective social media lead generation tactics in this article. These tactics have aided in the rapid growth and success of a number of firms:1. Make your profile and landing pages more effective The first step in starting a lead generation campaign on social media platforms is to improve your business profile and the landing pages to which you want to drive your consumers.Customers should be able to contact you through your profile, and there should be a clear call to action button. If you want your consumers to contact you by email, for example, you should put your email address in your profile. Similarly, if you want them to schedule an appointment, include a call to action button.You should also work on landing page optimization. It should be brief, easy to understand, and appealing. Because if you have succeeded in getting someone to click on your link, don't squander it by creating a poor landing page.These factors will help you generate organic leads and boost the likelihood of people visiting your profile through other ways, such as sponsored content.If you are just getting started and don't yet have a social media presence, get a fast internet connection and start creating profiles right away.A reliable internet connection like Cox is a must-have thing if you want to grow. Cox offers services to both its English and Spanish-speaking customers.If you are Spanish and are facing issues regarding your services or if you have any other concerns, you can get customer support by contacting numero de cox en español to get a Spanish-speaking specialist on call. 2. Share Social Proof via Testimonials One of the most effective ways to attract someone is to demonstrate how your company or product has benefited someone similar to them. As social evidence, share testimonials and reviews from your clients.A number of larger companies, including IBM, adopt this method and it works wonders for generating new leads. That's because it's simpler to persuade someone when they can relate to other consumers and experience the outcomes for themselves. 3. Provide the Appropriate Reward Providing the appropriate reward means giving people a good cause to share their data with you. This might be anything from a free tool to a study report or a promotional code.When you open an online store, for example, you will see a popup providing a 20% discount code that will be emailed to your email. Additionally, it includes permission to receive emails in the future.In a similar vein, certain platforms, such as NeilPatel.com, provide SEO recommendations to users in exchange for signing up for their newsletter. These are all excellent choices, but the reward you choose should be in line with your objectives. 4. Use Lead Ads on Social NetworksIf you want to increase the number of leads generated by your current lead generation campaign and you want to explore all other possibilities, social ads are the way to go.You may offer something personalized for that specific audience and attract their interest with targeted lead ads. Limited-time deals and special discounts for signing up for services or completing a purchase may also be included in these adverts.Almost all social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even YouTube, now allow users to generate these types of adverts. Because these commercials are targeted at a certain population, the results are frequently spectacular. Benefit from Social Media Sponsorships Those who do not want to go for the advertisements might use sponsorship on social media. You can do this by collaborating with content creators and influencers who already have the audience you are after.The best thing about social media sponsorships and collaborations is how natural they feel. Furthermore, this tactic is far superior as compared to placing advertisements in front of potential customers. People often respond to call-to-action buttons because they trust the words of their favorite content creators. Summing it up Hundreds of businesses employ these lead generation tactics and they work well. These services benefit both new and established businesses by assisting them in their growth. If you have tried any of them before, please let us know how it went in the comments area below.Read Also:How to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little Effort Uncover the Benefits of Partnering with a Social Media Agency in Malaysia Social Media Usage: Pros And Cons

Digital PR

5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

IntroductionDo you know if done in the right fashion, Digital PR can help a brand in several different ways from sales to branding? Are you looking to pursue a Digital PR strategy but do not want to make some of the most common mistakes? Have you tried listening to the advice of some of the leading firms and thought leaders in the field of Digital PR?In the last few years, more and more brands want to pursue a Digital PR strategy in an aggressive manner. It needs to be pointed out that the needs and requirements of every business are not the same as Digital PR.This means that a one-size-fits-all strategy does not work when it comes to Digital PR. In this article, we speak to some of the leading names in the PR world and ask them about five common mistakes, which brands should always look to avoid. Digital PR: What is it? Digital PR refers to a set of online marketing activities and strategies pursued by an individual or a brand with the following expectations-Increasing the sales, revenues, and profits of a brand Establishing and building relationships with existing and prospective target audiences Creating collaborations and partnerships with journalists Building brand exposure and visibility in its relevant niche Attempting to become a thought leader in the industryWhether it is search engines or social media, or press releases, digital PR covers almost all platforms. With the rise in the number of consumers searching for brands online, digital PR is also strongly linked to a brand’s reputation management. List of 5 Most Common Digital PR Mistakes 1. Not establishing relationships with Smaller Publishers- Many brands make the mistake of trying to establish and build relationships with only the big publishers. They do this because of the increased traffic on big platforms helps brands. However, if you start building relationships with smaller publishers, when they become bigger, they will not forget your favor. Brands should look to strike a balance. 2. Not paying attention to the quality of the Content- Sometimes, brands end up spending so much time, energy, and money in making contact, negotiations, and getting the deal done that they fail to focus on the content. This is one mistake, which should be avoided under all circumstances. You should always ensure that content takes priority over everything else in your digital PR efforts. 3. Not fixing Objectives or KPIs? Doing Digital PR just for the sake of it is not going to help you in any way. There should always be a strategy and a campaign, to help achieve some objectives. This means that brands should fix what they are trying to achieve from the digital PR efforts. This will help give the campaign a direction and make everyone understand what they are after. 4. Blindly believing in the Publisher- Remember how the Influencer Marketing scam rocked the industry in early 2019? It was found that nearly all major influencers were paying for their followers and engagement. Brands have lost billions of dollars believing in the profile of influencers blindly. Make sure to verify and research everything before you proceed with the publisher. This will protect your investments. 5. Not taking help from Innovative Strategies and Technologies- It is important to innovate and think-out-of-the-box at times. If you are not doing the same, you stand the risk of becoming obsolete because of following all the old strategies. Run something new and use CRM tools and data to inform your decision-making process. Without using the latest technologies or strategies you cannot expect your digital PR to perform in a certain way. The Final Word Making experts state that being successful at Digital PR is an art. This is the reason why some brands are tearaway success when it comes to this, while others are not. If you follow the article, you will be able to save yourself from committing five mistakes that will ultimately contribute to making your digital PR successful.Read Also:How Digital Advisors have Transformed the Investment Sector Essentials For Digital Marketing Effective Ways to Utilize Digital Marketing

Video Marketing

How To Execute An Effective Video Marketing Campaign

Video marketing is the in thing when it comes to new age advertising strategies. Video marketing is proving to be effective in its marketing duties courtesy of the interactive clips that possess the ‘it’ factor needed to grab the viewer’s attention. This strategy allows you to use short video clips either on their own or amid other videos in video sharing sites such as YouTube. With 70% of marketing firms using videos in marketing, the concept is one to watch out for.Just like any other advertising mode, there are some aspects in video marketing that you can tweak so as to get the best results. How you can effectively execute a video marketing campaign: 1. Focus On The Content:For an effective video marketing campaign, the content is the major driving force. When focusing on the content, ensure it meets the wants of the target audience for it to become more relevant. If you get right on the content, the story behind the video campaign gets a steady foundation and is able to steer itself perfectly.Also, make sure you do not overdo the content to avoid making it appear stuffy or boring. Boring content leads to the viewers losing interest easily which can be a major blow to your marketing. Stuffy content, on the other hand, dilutes the main message which you want to communicate to your audience. 3. Know Where To Fish For Your Audience:Your marketing video’s audience is another key factor that you cannot overlook. Without an audience, your video marketing campaign is simply useless with almost nil traffic conversion rates. As such, you need to know where your target audience lurks and how to effectively get to them.One hub where you can get a decent viewership number is on the various social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram among others. On the platforms, you can post your videos and take note of the number of views and take advantage of the one that has a high number of viewers. However, do not ignore the other platforms even if they register low viewership as it can do some justice to your overall traffic.Knowing where to get your audience also provides a shadow of their wants and needs, factors which you can integrate into your videos for a hiked viewership. 3. Get A Good Script To Go With Video: A good script is a channel through which your video's content gets perceived easily by your intended viewers. This means that you need to get a good script as a guide for your content. For the script, make it simple and easy to comprehend more so if it is an educative piece.When crafting the video's script, ensure that the first few seconds are really captivating so as to hook the viewer till the end. A boring start will definitely result in a skip hence your message fails to get to your audience. Add some humor to it if possible to make the video less boring. 4. Keep The Videos Short: Another trick for an effective video marketing campaign is to create shorter videos. Apart from being relatively affordable and easy to create, they also grab the viewer's attention to the end. Many viewers seem to get discouraged when they see a video is too long and they may certainly avoid it. A short video has them in the notion that it won't take much of their time hence they go with it till its completion. Always keep in mind that the purpose of the video is to get the attention of the viewer. 5. Get Creative With Your Video:When talking of creativity, the focal point is the use of the available freedom to put in various features to make the video unique. Uniqueness sells and in this situation you cannot get disappointed. You can use animation style videos which are gaining much mainstream acceptance and also they do have a larger audience reach. Animated videos also give you a chance to mash up colors and have a blend of voice-over acts to make the video distinct. For instance, you can use a text to speech software to convert your written text into human sounding voices in different languages across the world. With the help of this tool, you can connect with a wider audience globally.Also to give your videos some character and identity, a watermark or logo might do some justice for you. 6. Get To Know Your Competitors: For any marketing strategy to have the distinction of being successful, it needs to either be on the same level or better than the competitors. This requires you to know what strategies your competition is using to stay on top of the game and come up with a nice plan. Make sure that the strategy you plan to use is not like your competitors for the uniqueness of your brand and to also avoid lawsuits which may arise contesting the similarity. 7. Constantly Update Your Feed: To keep your audience hooked and benefit from a loyal following, you need to constantly update your video feed. At reasonable intervals, upload your photos to satisfy your viewer’s needs for more content. Ensure each content is more interesting for them to keep close in case you drop another gem.Consistency is one area where many content creators hit a miss and you do not want to fall in that hole as it spells doom for your brand. If you cannot manage to be consistent, you can partner up with a consistent brand which provides your brand with some airtime which may come at a fee. Bottom-Line: When executing an effective video marketing campaign, your audience matters the most. Every process from getting the content to getting the right script to accompany the video needs to be viewer-oriented. This helps maintain a large following as well as attract another decent number of viewers who relate to your content.Additionally, when making the video get your creativity game on point to come out with unique content that stands out from the pack. Uniqueness is a point of attraction hence you are sure to get your numbers off the roof if you know your way through. Also, ensure that the video is short and straight to the pint to grab the attention of your audience. A nice video editing tool may help you a ton in making your videos distinct.Video marketing campaigns need consistency to be effective hence keep on bringing more video content to uplift your brand.Read Also:Essentials For Digital Marketing Dos And Don’ts Of Marketing For Technology Companies Importance Of Storytelling In Social Media Marketing