4 Key Concepts on Making Signage an Effective Strategic Investment

Strategic Investment

Have you ever asked yourself how effective your signages on igniting consumers’ interest? Or you simply place them so you could have something like an interior or exterior design? Do not tell you just place signs outside your store because others have them.

Come on. We invest money to earn more, not to lose. Let us get you started out on the right foot on doing an effective strategic business investment with these four rule of thumbs on signage making.

1. 3 ½ Second-Rule

Three and a half second rule is a rule of thumb that gives business owners a chance to deliver their messages to passing motorists thru their signage within three and a half seconds before another car whizzes right on by.

It is difficult to read your message when you overcrowd your sign with many lines of texts and words. Another, overstated ideas on signs could look busy and decrease the reading speed of your signage. Your goal is to let your sign have optimal visibility within three and a half seconds.

How to increase your signs reading speed?

First, add borders on signages. Borders tend to increase signage reading speed by 26%, especially when your target is automobiles audience. It could manage the reading space that let viewers directly focus on the center of the sign.

Second, do the math when choosing the most efficient letter size on your signs. Distance and speed are the two essential factor when selecting the right measurement. Answer these guide questions: How far away do you want your sign to be readable? How fast people or cars could pass through the sign?

2. Typefaces

A typeface or font is considered as a part one’s company’s signature. Every distinctive letter style on various signage from different infrastructures offers contrasting feelings. You could reinforce brand recognition in your place when you can choose the right typeface for you.

Most customers are not conscious of typefaces. However, fonts subconsciously affect a signage’s style, way of delivery, and crispness of your message. Think of font styles as themes that would represent you and your business.

There are two categories for typefaces. First is that signs could be friendly, warm, and casual like that of McDonald’s. Another could be formal, serious, and traditional like some of those by Shieldco business signage.

What are the don’ts that I need to avoid?

Do not use fancy designer fonts like Script Style fonts on signs that are not visible from a distance. Better use it on stationery or business cards. Avoid using different letter styles in a single design, too. Do not overdo layout that your main message would not stand out.

3. Optical Center

Optical center is the area when human eyes tend to enter a design or page. Our vision typically gravitates toward a spot that is slightly above the mathematical center. If there is a logo above and information below in a sign, nudge the logo higher within the boundaries of a layout.

Another example is when placing a sign in a center vertically and mathematically accurate, it will look low. To solve this, again move the signage a little bit higher to correct this visual anomaly.

4. Power Kerning

You might never have heard about it, but power kerning is a powerful tool on signage making. It scales letters for better visibility. Proper scaling, perfect sizing, and precise spacing are prominent factors in designing. The same goes on signs.

How Kerning works?

Human eyes, with the help of our brain, could quickly notice irregularities on patterns. This is why perhaps most people could immediately point out mistakes, rather than good stuff. The thing is when there is asymmetry such as too much space, or little space between characters of a word, a reader’s eyes tend to stumble.

Proper kerning would fix this unevenness through adjusting the space between letters, making each character of a word together into a single unit. Consequently, a smooth flow of details from the text would be easily delivered to one’s brain.

Nowadays, many applications that could easily do the job of kerning for you. However, instances like do it yourself signs would let you address kerning issues manually. When doing it by yourself, there are a few things to remember.

First, uppercase characters are spaced to fit the following ceding lowercase characters. Next, big headlines require spacing adjustment to attain better visual consistency. Last, over kerning is done when doing some layout effects.


Minimal content could adequately carry out the meaning of your business.  Emphasize only the essential meaning. Remember that the fewer your words are, the higher understanding customers would get. You will know that you had reached your audience successfully when you delivered your message clearly and concisely to the customers.

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Search Engine Marketing

Tips on Doing Search Engine Marketing (SEM) for Businesses

Despite being one of the smallest countries in Southeast Asia, Singapore is recognized worldwide for having a highly advanced economy. The country is consistently dubbed as a global business hub, with several multinational companies setting up their headquarters there. One of the primary reasons, apart from its strong economy, would be its strategic location, which allows for a unique cultural mix consisting of Asian, European, and American influences. This advantage easily makes Singapore a top international business community.Over the years, competition has intensified in the country, making marketing more critical than ever. Working with an SEM agency in Singapore is now standard practice as several businesses are trying to gain an edge over their competitors. Creating strong Search Engine Marketing campaigns is vital to your company’s success, but doing this is much easier said than done. If you are new to SEM techniques, here are a few tips to help your small business stand out from the crowd. Here are Tips on Doing Search Engine Marketing to help your small business  Choose the Right KeywordsSearch engines utilize keywords to match web pages with user searches, so choosing the right ones is crucial to ensure your site reaches your target audience. When using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, optimizing your keywords will be vital to ranking high in results pages. You can utilize various tools to aid you in your keyword research, so you can look at the competition, search volume, and relevance. Doing this is a must to ensure that your investments are correctly used. Create Quality Content Content is king in any marketing strategy, and Search Engine Marketing is no exception. Having a visually appealing ad or website will be important to catch your audience’s attention, but ultimately, it will be your content that keeps them engaged and interested. Creating valuable and high-quality content is essential to show your expertise and credibility, so users can feel inclined to trust your brand. With this, you can generate more leads and boost your conversions. Know Your Competition When creating a Search Engine Marketing plan, it is important to consider your business, who your audience is, and what your objectives are. However, you must also look at the bigger picture and analyze your competition. When working with an SEM agency in Singapore, you may be able to gain more insight into this with professional tools and expertise. Conducting competitive analysis allows you to see what everyone else is doing, so you can see what methods work and think about how you can differentiate yourself from the crowd. Monitor Your StrategyOne of the common misconceptions about Search Engine Marketing is that it is finished after you execute your campaign. Like SEO, however, Search Engine Marketing is an ongoing strategy and is not merely a one-time strategy that you leave alone. It is essential that you monitor your strategy consistently to see if it is generating your desired results. Much like how technology is constantly evolving, new SEM practices also get introduced over time. Thus, staying updated can ensure that you do not miss out on any potential or opportunities to boost your returns.In today’s competitive business environment, Search Engine Marketing campaigns can help you increase your customer base while maintaining substantial returns on your investment. You can use the above-mentioned tips to help you get started with SEM, so you can get your desired objectives and make the most out of your marketing efforts.Read Also:8 Key SEO Strategies for E-Commerce Websites Required Content Marketing for Your E-Commerce Curious About Search Engine Optimization? Let’s Get to Its Roots Online Marketing: Selling Your Product And Services

Digital marketing

Should You Hire a Digital Marketing Agency?

You could have the most astounding business, offering the most elite products or service, but if your consumers cannot find you, how will they experience what you have to offer? Digital marketing is the latest way of marketing your business. Why? Because more than 3 billion people in the world use the internet.Digital marketing agencies specialise in online strategies to get your website found. They use paid searches, search engine optimisation (SEO), the creation of content and social media in order to drive more traffic to your website. More traffic means more purchases, more customers and more revenue.But why do you need a digital marketing agency? You have a pretty savvy marketing assistant promoting your company, that’s enough right? No, not if you want to beat your competitors.  Search engines such as Google are always changing how they rank and who should be placed higher. This makes optimisation ever-changing. Social media’s are constantly modernising algorithms and changing features.In a continually changing and fast-paced digital world, it can be hard to keep up with digital marketing strategies, as well as run your business. You want to be the best in your game right? You want maximum profits and up-to-date strategies. Here is how a creative digital marketing agency can do this for you. SEOIf someone is looking for something online, where is the first place they will go? Search engines. The most popular being Google, receiving over 3 billion online searches on a daily basis. If your website isn’t created to work well in a Google search, it’s going to be very difficult for people to find you.SEO is an organic way to gain traffic because you’re not paying for it; you are just optimizing your site to rank higher on search engines. Keyword placement and gaining backlinks to your site are the main ways a digital marketing agency will SEO your website, but with ever-changing Google Algorithms, it requires consistent updating.Read also:Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Methods Of Optimizing Local SEO That Is Essential For Small BusinessSocial mediaA digital marketing agency also provides social media management. Knowing what social media platforms are best for your company is one thing, but being able to use them effectively to successfully promote a campaign is another.If utilised correctly, social media is a great way to stay connected with customers, reach out to new customers and let people know exactly what your business is doing. Social networking is a powerful tool with 2.34 billion social media users worldwide.Knowing how to encourage people to share your content on social media can make your business visible to thousands of the sharers’ friends that may not have ever seen your products or services otherwise. There’s specific do’s and don’ts to a social media campaign and accidently doing some of the don’ts could have detrimental effects on your business’ reputation.Read also:Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly Social Media Marketing Role In TechnologyContentWriting content for digital marketing has to be done in a certain way. You may think it’s good to be creative with your content writing detailed descriptions and drop-intros to hook and engage your readers. However, if you don’t optimise it to the web, you won’t have any readers to hook.It is not about cramming content with keywords, but about using them in the correct way to keep the quality and creative content, but also publish and promote your content well. Digital marketing agencies write all of your on-site and off-site content in an optimised way.They create the right content for your correct audience for you through research of keywords used by your consumers and exploration of what your competitors are doing to make sure you are always number 1.A digital marketing agency is a helping hand in promoting your business the way you know it deserves to be. They have the advantage of knowing their way around the complex digital world so that they can make sure your business is recognised, promoted and established in the digital marketing world.Read also:Improve Your Local SEO Via Content Marketing Some Powerful Attributes That A Website Must Have In Its Content

email marketing

Why Email Marketing is the BEST Digital Marketing Outreach in Singapore

Times have changed. Commerce no longer waits for customers to head into a brick-and-mortar store, but instead takes on a proactive approach. Marketers must rely on various tools to reach out to their consumers, create sales channels, and generate revenue. Gone are the days when newspaper ads and billboards took center stage; with technology, digital marketing outreach becomes a necessity as it can reach a considerable amount of users in the shortest amount of time.Marketers often ask us about the most effective platform they should first choose, and our answer always goes back to good old email marketing. Singaporeans are so comfortable with technology, and the majority of the technologically-savvy generation will check their emails at least once a day. Even though it’s one of the most traditional methods, it’s still used frequently because it simply works. Here’s the tricky part: email marketing has to be implemented correctly. Use it right, and it’ll become an incredibly powerful tool. Use it wrong, and you’ll risk turning away customers, both potential and returning ones.Unconvinced? We’ll give you two reasons why email marketing is the best digital marketing outreach, and how you should use it effectively. Whether you’re on a limited budget or hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, it’s important to understand email marketing so you can use it to your advantage, especially after your lead generation agency has delivered new prospects for your business. 1. Email marketing provides endless possibilities.Like we’ve mentioned, email marketing may be one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, yet marketers in most industries still use it today as it’s efficient and cost-effective. It involves sending emails to a target audience’s inbox and gives companies a chance to promote their product or service, create brand loyalty, deliver value to consumers; the possibilities are endless.Since there are so many ways to use email marketing, there is no reason for you to stick to one type. As sending the same emails too frequently may turn consumers away, you should find the right balance to keep your readers interested and hopefully increase sales.  Here are two different types of marketing emails that you can send out to engage your subscribers.Welcome emails are usually the first email a subscriber receives after giving you their email address. As it’s the first connection, it’s essential to not only introduce your brand but also make it a memorable one. There are several ways you can do this: you can either share with them more about your brand’s story, invite them to connect via other means (such as social media) or get to know more about them (such as asking for their birthdays). Since the purpose of welcome emails is to increase your engagement with your subscribers, an excellent way to start would be to give them a gift, either a trial or discount code.Informational emails are a series of emails sent to users to keep them engaged with your brand. There are several ways you can do this, depending on your brand. If sales are your priority, you can send out targeted emails informing your subscribers of promotions, discount codes, and holiday sales. If you’re providing software, and your main goal is to increase brand awareness, you can release a series of tips and tutorials on how to make the best out of it. There are so many ways you can continuously engage your subscribers, but remember to keep a steady pace; you want to provide your readers with value, not flood them with dozens of emails.As there are so many ways to use email marketing, if you’re hiring a digital marketing agency in Singapore, be sure to let them know what you’re trying to achieve. Different goals require different types of emails, and your agency needs to know what you need before they can help you get the results you want. Email marketing lets you personalize your engagement. Although every business has a buyer persona, it may not always be the same. As a brand, you may have a range of audiences that differ based on age, gender, and other demographics. The best way to reach out to different audiences is to cater to them differently, and email marketing helps you do so by segmenting your audiences into categories. The idea is to tailor various emails that will resonate with each audience segment and provide them with something exciting and of value.If you use email marketing correctly, you can not only address your subscribers by name but also provide them with something that they want. For example, you can email your VIP members about an exclusive event or reach out to your teen audience about a back-to-school sale. By targeting each segment differently, you can increase the effectiveness of your emails. This is extremely important as an email can only be successful if your subscribers open it, read it, and appreciate it.We can go on and on about how effective email marketing can be, but the best way for you to find out is to try it yourself. If you’re confused and not sure where to begin, now’s a good time to ask for help. Reach out to a digital marketing agency in Singapore, let them know what you need, and they’ll help you achieve it.Read Also:Why Every Business Holder Should Start Using The Drip Marketing Campaign Snov.Io Review: The Missing Piece Of The Marketing Outreach Strategy Puzzle