Your employees, especially the best-performing ones, mean a great deal to your company. This means that losing them can significantly affect productivity and may eventually cost your company. Apparently, retaining the best employees simply translates to an increase in product sales and a bunch of satisfied and happy people working for you.
In an ideal world, employees won’t find reasons to quit your company. However, that’s not always the case in reality. So just how are you going to entice your best employees to stay? You’ll be surprised at how many more things you can do, aside from increasing their pay, to retain top staff!
1. Recognize Employees’ Efforts:
If you want to succeed in business, you’ll have to understand the value of recognizing others’ good work. When you appreciate and recognize a top employee’s efforts, this confirms their value and purpose in your organization. Eventually, this motivates them to increase their productivity and maintain or even improve their quality of work. Sometimes, a pat on the back can make a huge difference to a thriving employee.
When you praise an employee for his or her efforts, be sure to thank that person by name and state specifically what is being recognized. Also, point out what value it adds to a project or the team in general. Employees become more engaged when their leaders celebrate their successes, whether individually or as a group, from time to time.
2. Avoid Forgotten Benefits:
It’s easy for most employees to forget what benefits their organization offers—even the management can make the same mistake! To help your employees remember the benefits they are entitled to, make sure to provide your staff with a transparent view of these perks. Help them understand what these perks are about and how your employees can avail them. And don’t just deliver the information for both the first and last time. Remind them on these offers frequently, especially at key milestones in their career and personal life.
For instance, sick employees may forget they are entitled to free medicine at the clinic or free use of medical equipment, such as a SpO2 pulse oximeter, thereby keeping their illness untreated and compromising their quality of work. Reminding them of their health benefits should go a long way in helping to retain your best employees.
3. Get on a Personal Level:
Many employers often make the mistake of treating employees like mere employees. To get your best staff to stay in your organization, make an effort to get to know them on a personal level. While there are boundaries to this, building personal relationships often cultivates trust and rapport between employee and leader, improving one’s quality of work and increasing productivity in the long run.
There’s so much you can do to get to know each member of your team better. Whether it is over video-conferencing equipment or a personal meeting at a nearby coffee shop, staff meetings would be a lot more fun and exciting when you can discuss other things aside from work, such as everyone’s favorite celebrities or their go-to weekend hobbies.
4. Get Them to Speak Their Mind:
You know what they say—two heads are better than one. There is a reason why there are people working for you, and that’s so they can help your business achieve its goals and desired outcomes. Whether it be ideas for a certain project or reactions to how the company is being managed, your employees’ thoughts matter. Provide an accessible platform where they can share their ideas and then offer feedback. Doing so will not only encourage them to speak up but will also engage employees and give them a reason to stay in your company longer.
While we can’t force an employee to work for your company for the long haul, the least you can do is to make an effort to listen to your employees and to encourage them to be their best selves each day.
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