The Best Methods To Build Strong Customer Relationships

Customer Relationships

Despite the plethora of advertising resources available in the digital marketplace, one key issue still has not been resolved – how do you build strong customer relationships?  As a direct link between you and your customers, an email address will allow publishers to build a personal connection with an audience.  Below are further marketing tips that can be used to develop a stronger client relationship using email marketing.

The Best Methods To Build Strong Customer Relationships

1. Move The Social Media Audience To A Direct Channel By Gaining Their Email Address:

Social Media Audience

To strengthen your target audience relationship, you should reconsider how you view Facebook.  You cannot connect with a target audience on a platform where all algorithm tweaks reduce its reach and take you further from your potential customers.  Instead of playing “cat and mouse” using Facebook’s algorithms, it is recommended that you utilize the social platform as a channel for acquisition.  Making use of social media platforms CTA features will help you support your email newsletters to the target audience and lead the social audience to your company’s email list.  From this point, you will be able to engage with them without any interference from the social platform.

2. Using Email Capture Apps To Connect With The Site Visitors In An Inbox:

When visitors arrive on your website via an organic search or from social media, they are likely to leave the site as soon as they arrive.  By utilizing onsite capture resources to collect their email addresses before they leave, you will be able to set up a direct and long-term form of communication with the audience.  Not only will email subscribers build up more lifetime website visits than visitors from Facebook, but they also tend to view more site pages during their session.

To maximize the email conversions, it is recommended that you utilize active capture widgets with a contextual newsletter offer.  This is likely to convert passing visitors to the website into lifetime subscribers.  In this way, you will be increasing the likelihood of engaging users in the long-term and nurturing these subscribers with new content.

3. Building Strong Reading Habits With The Audience Via Newsletters:


In the traditional text publishing world, the typical delivery of publications builds reading styles with their target customers.  The newsletter via email is the option most similar to that traditional form of publication and habit-forming print media.  By sending a constant street of relevant content to the audience’s inbox, you will engage the audience continuously; thereby, demonstrating the value of paying for your website’s content.

You can deepen this engagement through cross-promotion and encouragement of the audience to subscribe to additional newsletters.  The quality of newsletters is why the New York Times found that people are more likely to pay for a subscription if they first subscribed to their newsletter; therefore, the email newsletter is the ideal resource for building relationships necessary in the digital publishing environment.

Before online transactions and exchanges became the norm, brands were responsible for fostering physical and in some cases emotional connections with their clientele.  This resulted in a strong and loyal brand audience, repeat purchases, and other immeasurable value for the business.  In today’s society, the majority of brands will opt for social media and social marketing to engage with consumers and substitute human interaction.  Understanding that humans require relationships in their personal lives and when purchasing items, businesses acknowledge the need to build relationships with consumers, form user engagement, and drive more beneficial sales.

While some companies engage with their consumers well using online measures, not all brands are as fortunate.  So, how can we stand above our rivals when trying to engage with a target audience?  There are several ways in which a smaller company can drive more sales by building strong online consumer relationships.

4. Surveying The Consumers And Gain Their Opinions:

Providing your consumer with exactly what they want is potentially the best method to make sales, increase trust in the company, and gain repeat customers.  It is the ideal situation and is a building strategy that can help a company get its way with almost any customer.  The question remains, however, how do you discover what a consumer’s needs are and how do you meet them?  Simple, find out what they want by sending them surveys.

Before marketing became digital, practical market research was performed via traditional questionnaires or surveys.  The original question of how much you agree with a statement would find out if the person strongly agrees, strongly disagreed, or was somewhere in the middle.  Regardless of the standard of error metrics that tend to bore the average person, this technique can provide companies with good insight into their consumer market.

Customer feedback and surveys can now be conducted using email, via social media platforms, or on different websites.  One of the survey platforms available allowing companies to send targeted surveys to consumers through social media and emails is SurveyMonkey.  Companies can also gain insight from consumers using Qualaroo as they provide information as soon as the consumer visits the website.

5. Using Email To Communicate:

Email To Communicate

Forming an email list is potentially one of the most significant methods a business can remain in contact with its consumers, build trust, and make sales – unless you are a spammer.  If all emails you send are “sale-sy”, then you are engaging incorrectly and will more than likely be considered spam.  Emails should provide valuable information for the customer to share and once you have provided content to address their needs, you can build rapport and foster the digital relationship to be successful! They can also act as promotions later with the help of a Houston search engine marketing firm. By creating an aesthetically pleasing and informing sales copy to go along with your email, it can make a great impact!

Real-Time Video Chat For Consumer Support

Video Chat For Consumer Support


Real-time video chat is considered one of the hotter topics with businesses that are looking to build relationships with online customers.  In late 2017, Amazon implemented the “Mayday Button” – a new feature on the Kindle Fire to allow a user to receive video communication with a client support agent.  Never before had this type of online support been available and the user is now able to speak with a representative in an innovative manner.  Today, Amazon notes that consumers can use video chat in under 15 seconds and this is much better than waiting on the telephone for a new customer agent to take your call.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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manage Anxiety

5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work

Anxiety is a common factor that one gets due to various experiences in life. Work anxiety is anxiety that occurs in the workplace due to various workloads. Work anxiety can cause negative effects both on the employees and the organizations in various ways. Work anxiety can also cause some disorders. Work anxiety can hinder one’s performance at work, relationships with colleagues at work. 5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Manage Anxiety at Work Here are 5 simple ways to manage anxiety at work: 1. Get away from the computer: In today’s world, most people sit in front of the computer in order to finish their daily works without even blinking their eyes and moving around. This can increase the level of anxiety in an individual at the workplace. To avoid this, one should set a timer to oneself to get up from the place and walk around at least once in half an hour. This can help in reducing the level of stress in an individual at the workplace. 2. Communicate with the people: Communication in the workplace is a very important factor that can help in reducing anxiety. There should be someone to express one’s feelings related to the workplace. Anxiety gets relieved when one speaks it out. There are chances of anxiety getting worsened due to confusion or mixed emotions. So it is very important to have communication with the colleagues around you. One can also try self-improvement courses like those offered by Landmark Forum (formerly, Landmark Montreal) and others. 3. Don’t overthink stressors: Sometimes, one can increase one’s anxiety by thinking about stressors. Some of the jobs can cause more stress for people. Thinking more about stressors can increase the level of anxiety. One should think or change their way of routine which causes stress. There is no help to oneself in thinking about stressors. 4. Create a balanced schedule: If one gives too much value to what happens in the workplace then it can cause a lot of anxiety. To enable us to live a great life at the workplace then the working environment must be good enough for that. One should find a balanced schedule by analyzing one’s responsibilities, schedule, and daily tasks and try to find some healthy balance. 5. Take a deep breath: When one feels that the stress level has increased in one’s life then just meditate for 3 minutes or just take a deep breath and evaluate within yourself throughout the day. Taking a deep breath is one of the other ways that can help in reducing stress levels. It sends some signals to the brain when the anxiety level is high.Anxiety is the factor that will be present at each and every point in one’s life. Anxiety can be considered as an unpleasant emotion. It can be considered as an opportunity to have career growth in one’s life. Improving one’s relationships, improving communication, asking for assistance in the workplace can help in reducing anxiety without any difficulty. Work anxiety in one’s daily life can never help in enjoying one’s profession. Just try fighting against anxiety and keep treating oneself with respect.Read also:Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease 7 Ways to Reduce Test Anxiety


Standard Consulting Updating Businesses Now On ISO 9001 Changes

Whilst quality management system ISO 9001 is a set of International Standards recognized throughout the world, you could also describe it as a way of life or a mindset. Quality management is one of those things that just makes sense - in fact, much of it is exactly that, common sense! Practical, simple and very effective, it's a way of delivering the very best products and services to the customer - and implementing it really isn't rocket science! Whilst so much of this is commonsense, nonetheless, there is a set of policies, processes, and procedures needed to make it all happen. But this is a system that should be at the very heart of any organization. Whether you own a large company, a small business or you run a voluntary organization or charity, you have 'customers', and meeting their requirements should be your main goal.Well-oiled machine Standard Consulting in Brisbane sums it up perfectly when they describe ISO 9001 as a way of consolidating the many internal processes within an organization into one well-oiled machine. It leads us away from considering a business to be many different components running alongside each other, seeing it instead as a total commitment to quality as a whole. Standard Consulting's Quality Management System training packages help organizations of any size understand and adopt this concept, leading to improved performance, fewer complaints, more happy customers and a better bottom line. Crucially, it will also help organizations meet regulatory requirements and achieve ongoing improvement.Government tenders Quality Management System training helps businesses understand that their customers are not the only ones to consider. For example, a business chasing Government contracts and tenders is unlikely to make even the first cut without a QMS system in place. In our competitive world, where a tender might attracts hundreds of bids, Government departments need some sort of benchmark against which they can measure the applicants. Or perhaps you are an SMB wanting to join a major organization's supply chain. Again, it is unlikely you will be considered with a recognized system in place. Remember, that major company has to meet its own regulatory requirements and keep its customers happy, so it is crucial they work with like-minded organizations. In order to be effective, Quality Management System ISO 9001 must be embraced by everyone within an organization, from top to bottom. And decision-makers within the business need to consider it in the context of all future plans and policies. It also demands that all policies and procedures be documented, and constantly reviewed and updated, in much the same way the Standards themselves are revised and updated.Standard updates In fact, there has recently been a review, with the current version of the Standard being Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015. Three years in the making, this only goes to show how important and up-to-date these Standards are, formulated by professionals from throughout the world. Well over a million ISO 9001 certifications have been issued - a reassuring sign that businesses are really starting to take on board the importance of quality, in their goods, services and internal operations. ISO 9001 was revised to make it more in tune with how we do business these days - reflecting our global market better.Quality Assurance vs Quality Control As professionals such as Standard Consulting will tell you, it is far better to create a top-quality product in the first place - Quality Assurance - than to have to deal with returns and complaints later - Quality Control. It's a mistake to think that quality control is enough. As well as disappointing and potentially losing customers, producing faulty products that get returned is a complete waste of money for the organization. Better to get it the right first time, every time. There are, however, a few misconceptions about ISO 9001:2015, and these will be properly explained during quality management system training. For example, you'll hear some people say that the Standard is only for big organizations, or that it is only applicable to certain industries. That is not the case.Suitable for any business International Standards can be applied to any size organization, in any industry, and be just as relevant. The concept of quality products that are fit for purpose has nothing to do with the size of your business. In fact, we are seeing an increasing number of SMEs implementing these systems, because they can see how it saves them time and money and helps them secure a larger chunk of the market. Another myth is that it is only for manufacturing or retail businesses but again, this is untrue. Quality Management System ISO 9001 is used by hospitals, schools, churches, charities, police departments and more. To put it simply, every group or organization or business needs structure - and structure needs policies and procedures. Think about it - even families have structure, rules, processes, systems, and patterns. So it's fairly obvious you need the same processes and systems in business - but much bigger. To find out how your business would benefit, talk to Standard Consulting - experts in International Standards.

Call Centers

Cloud-Based Call Centers Vs. On-Premises Call Centers

Cloud-based call centers have become an essential organization plan for businesses that believe in high profitability and low operational costs. More and more businesses are moving from on-premises call centers to cloud-based call centers. If you too are considering a change, know the reasons to confirm your decision. Why choose cloud-based call centers? The following reasons show you a difference between cloud-based call centers and on-premises call centers: 1. Installation: The installation process in the on-premise call centers was time-consuming. You had to plan the hardware, get licensing, set it up, install software for the systems, and more. The cloud-based call centers are easy to install. You don’t have to maintain any hardware or make sure it operates efficiently. You don’t need to assemble different devices and start off with your process. 2. Operational costs: The cost of managing an on-premises call center is huge. It takes a lot of money to set up, buy hardware like computers, phones, headsets, and more. You also need licensing and office space to accommodate all your employees. The costs of replacing an installation are also high due to improving technology and regular software upgrade.Options like Cisco customer journey platform show how little investment can take you a long way. These processes don’t charge a lot of money but do require a good internet connection. Everything is saved on the cloud and it is billed on a usage basis. This way the operational expenses are limited and justified. 3. Easy management: The hardwired and software systems of the on-premises call center make the process tougher and strenuous. It requires more supervision and includes regular licensing, maintenance, upgrades, and more. The cloud-based call centers need little management and eliminate the maintenance of hardware systems. The support comes from digital engagement and reduces on-premises IT charges and other complexities. 4. Flexibility: When you install the on-premises call center, it is tough to customize it according to the number of agents. They keep fluctuating in number and there is less flexibility in the workflow. Maintaining hardware is tough and you need to modulate the systems, headphones, and so on. The customer agents don’t work remotely in this traditional system. They are tied to their desks all the time to receive calls. It also disrupts the company’s ability to deliver quality customer service around the clock.Cloud-based call centers are responsive to the scalability according to the requirement. Cloud-systems are offered on the basis of subscription so adding and removing users is like blocking a subscription. The cloud-based system helps agents to work from the comfort of their homes. They just need a good internet connection. They offer 360-degree customer support irrespective of where they are. 5. Scalability: When you see an expanding business in your on-premise call center, you will need more staff. The scalability levels of the on-premise call center system are slow because you need to spend money on aspects ranging from architecture to hardware. Cloud operations offer an efficient software system that depends on data servers. These are what mark their scalability and there are no extra investments to do. 6. Reliability: The quality of phone call on the on-premise system is great. However, it is usually broken through many systems and that affects the customer experience. Cloud operations depend on a strong network. You need great internet facilities to promote better customer service.From the points above, we can assume that the future of cloud-based call centers is bright. In every way, it is a better option compared to traditional call centers. Now you know all the reasons to shift to a cloud-based call center, choose the best organization for the services.Read Also :Top 4 Creative Team Building Ideas For A Call Center Industry This 2016