10 Tips for Writing a Dissertation


26 March 2017



Dissertation writing can become a serious pain and to help you in this important task I present these 10 tips that will help you conquer this dreadful task. First, we must bear in mind that a Dissertation is the final verification of the knowledge acquired during our studies. So, without further ado, here are 10 tips for writing a dissertation:

1- Learn about the type of jobs accepted in your university or institute:

This will allow you to analyze the type of research that best suits your interests and possibilities. Keep in mind that the types of research are as follows:

  • Field research: A topic or problem is studied from the collection and analysis of direct data of reality. In these cases it is necessary to use the statistical study, it is not necessary to be an expert in the matter, but certain concepts must be clear in order for you to complete this type of dissertation.
  • Documentary research: The study of a problem based on the analysis of data and theories previously published in other works. In this type of research, the author uses the sources of queries to postulate his own ideas and conclusions.
  • Project feasible: This is the proposal of a model that could be the solution to a certain problem. These types of projects serve to elaborate on proposals of social or institutional impact.
  • Special project: They involve the creation of solutions of cultural interest, for example educational projects, software, technologies and projects of arts & literature.

2- Evaluate your resources:

What do I need in order to conduct my research? Where and how can I collect the data I need? How long will it take for me to collect this data and how long will it take to be analyzed? Do I need a collaborative team or can I do the research alone? What costs should I contemplate? All of these questions will help you evaluate the resources you have and what you will need. These questions are very crucial and their answers will determine what topic would be the best for you.

3- Choose a topic and delimit it:

To choose the topic first you must observe a research problem, that is, a situation that must be studied in order to describe it, explain it and, if necessary, give a solution for it. A common mistake when choosing the topic is the lack of delimitation, the more specific the topic, the better the limits and scope of the Dissertation will be established.

An unspecified topic results in inconsistency or too much breadth of research, which would lengthen indefinitely the completion of the dissertation. If, let’s suppose you have decided to study the effects of chemical fertilizers on plants and the consequences for human consumption, at first glance it might seem like an appropriate issue, however, the lack of specificity would cause the following problems: number, type and varieties of plants, also the type of fertilizers. The research should cover all edible plants and all chemical fertilizers. The appropriate thing, then, would be to rephrase the topic as: The effects of “X” chemical fertilizer on plants “X” and its consequences for humans.

4- Look for a tutor and consult with them about your topic:

A tutor is the best person to inform you about the validity or relevance of your topic, as an expert in the subject can guide you better regarding your dissertation. Sometimes a tutor can make us give up a certain line of research and that is why it is very important, before starting, to corroborate with an expert if our object of study has value or not.

5- Start in bibliographic archiving:

Search the sources of inquiry for your research and prepare yourself to read large amounts of information. It is necessary to read a lot, and before writing the dissertation. You might even have to go through the same material multiple times. The first reading will help you decide which sources are really relevant. Do not discard any material without reading it well, you can find valuable data in less-thought-out places.

6- Make a second reading of your sources:

This reading should be careful to fully understand the theories or data that underlie your research. Make connections between your sources and your own opinions. Set differences and opposing views, this will help you better defend your value judgments.

7- Underline and make annotations of your readings:

Perform analysis of the pieces of information relevant to your work, mark the text that you think you can quote and keep a record of your references. Thus, you will not have to go back several times on the same source and you can easily remember what you have read.

8- Establish a schedule for each of the methodological steps of your research:

This will serve to control the time you spend on each of the steps and processes of your work, and would also serve as a record of the objectives achieved.

9- Prepare a draft:

In most cases this is an essential requirement to proceed with the dissertation. A good blueprint is an excellent guide –You will have a clear direction of the way. Many of the points of the blueprint are also handled in the dissertation, but with a deeper treatment. If you already know the methodology you will know the aspects and criteria that you must develop in this point

10- Be original and creative:

A good research can lead you to propose valuable knowledge that will serve for future work. Do not copy the material of others, plagiarism is unethical and impairs the advance of intellectual knowledge. For your appointments and references always keep in mind the APA Rules.

Read also: 7 Tips For Writing A Dissertation

Aaron is a professional academic writer and research analyst; he is a highly qualified and experienced writer for Dissertation help He has been providing dissertation writing service to college and university students on various domains.


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Student’s Guide: 14 Essay Types from the Easiest to the Hardest One

Being the most common type of written assignment, an essay is known by students of all ages. This task is an inevitable part of the educational program. Starting from middle school and all the way to college or university, everyone faces it.Since this type of task is being assigned to students at all stages of their education, it has a significant influence on one’s final scores. That’s why mastering the art of essay writing is vital for overall academic success. This article is your comprehensive guide, from which you will learn what academic writing is and what are its different types. What Is an Essay? According to the general definition, it is a short academic paper that discusses a given topic from a specific point of view. As a rule, the subject is presented from the student’s own angle.Typically, such papers are short. However, depending on several aspects, such as the subject, type of essay, or teacher’s instructions, the length of the text can vary. The common format for such paper is based on the five-paragraph structure. It consists of an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.The general purpose of the task can vary depending on its type. For example, some essay types are created to inform readers about the given topics and some are analytical. Others can have a purpose to persuade someone of something.This type of task is currently a part of every academic program in schools and colleges. Therefore, it is vital that every student could handle it to ensure a high GPA. 14 Essay Types from the Easiest to the Hardest One Writing this type of academic work is, by no means, a simple matter, which is why many students struggle with such assignments.Luckily for those who lack time for their homework or simply can’t cope with the task, there are professional writing services. Sites like https://essaypro.com/custom-essay.html can deliver high-quality academic help to anyone in need. However, if you want to hone your skills and cope with the task on your own, this guide will come in handy for distinguishing different types of essays. Simple: 1) Descriptive This is probably the easiest type of work. In a nutshell, a descriptive paper is the one that describes something (a person, object, phenomenon, event, etc.) in detail. The author’s goal is to provide a clear description adding vivid details. They need to help readers see, feel, smell, hear, or taste what is described.As a rule, this task is short, it follows a standard structure, and doesn’t require in-depth research. 2) Narrative The second easiest type of academic paper is a narrative essay. Its main purpose is to tell a story. Similar to the previous task, it requires using plenty of details in order not to tell but show a story to readers. It is a creative task that most students handle with ease. 3) Process The next rather simple type of work is a process essay. As you could already understand from the name, its goal is to describe a certain process. The author needs to break down the process of doing something into a set of smaller sequences and describe each step so that readers could do it after reading a paper. 4) Comparison and Contrast The goal of such a paper is to make either a comparison, contrast, or both between two or more similar or different things. This form of assignment is rather simple as all a student needs to do is to analyze different objects and define what they have in common or what differs them. 5) Cause and Effect The main purpose of this task is to reveal the interconnection between certain things or actions. A writer needs to explain what caused them and what effect they can have. As a rule, students find this kind of assignment rather simple. However, the level of complexity depends on the object or topic that has to be explained. Medium Level: 6) Review This form of assignment requires a student to review a particular piece (usually, a book) and discuss its merits and demerits. Although such papers often follow the standard format and may not be too difficult to write, many students find it challenging. Such an essay requires a solid understanding of the book’s content and a lot of research. 7) Explicatory Such papers are most often written about novels, poems, and short stories. The purpose of the assignment is to explain a literary piece so that a reader could easily understand it. 8) Critical A critical essay is another assignment often written on a specific literary piece. The purpose of the paper is to give a thorough evaluation of the chosen piece based on its strong and weak sides. 9) Analytical When writing an analytical paper, the author has to analyze a specific topic, concept, or a literary piece from different angles, providing supporting arguments. This kind of work requires in-depth research, so it can be quite time-consuming.10) Rhetorical Analysis This work is similar to the previous one. However, as a rule, a rhetorical analysis paper is written about a piece of rhetoric or speech and has a purpose to assess it based on the rhetorical strategies and tools that have been used in a piece. Complex: 11) Definition The main goal of such work, as you could understand from the name, is to give a clear definition of a concept or idea. What makes it a complicated assignment is that you must have a solid understanding of the concept to be defined. Only that will allow you to create a high-quality definition essay. 12) Expository This form of work has the goal to explain a complex concept or idea in detail to make readers understand it with ease. 13) Argumentative An argumentative paper is one of the most time-consuming and challenging types of essays. This type of assignment requires conducting an in-depth research and collecting valid data (arguments) that would support the author’s ideas. 14) Persuasive Another complicated kind of work is a persuasive paper. Similar to the previous type of paper, it should provide valid arguments to support certain ideas. However, what makes it even more complex is that the author has to use different techniques to persuade the readers of the correctness or incorrectness of certain ideas.Read Also:Tips on Writing a Winning Reflection Paper in College Tips on cheap assignment writing services hiring 7 Tips for Writing a Dissertation


5 Tips on how to Research for an Essay

College life is lots of fun but the one thing you can never escape is the huge amount of essays you will need to submit. These can be time-consuming and often put you under a lot of pressure. Writing the essay is actually the easy part. What is difficult and time-consuming is doing all the research. Fortunately, the internet has made research much easier but it still a challenge.Research is a vital step in the process of essay writing and the quality of your research will determine the quality of the essay. Good preparation will also mean that the writing is much faster and easier.Your first step is to have a clearly defined and well thought-out topic. Doing this will require some initial research and probably point you to some material you might already be familiar with.  Once you are clear on your topic, the research can begin.Here are 5 tips on how you can research for an essay. 1. Plan your research: Don’t just jump right in and start researching. Start with a good understating of the topic and the subject. Use a dictionary and encyclopedias to get a solid grounding. Many times, your essay will include a reading list.Get a list of sources together and even speak to a librarian or look through the library catalog for ideas. An online search will give you many resources. Remember, you will not have time to read everything on the subject so you will have to be selective. Plan your time for research and allocate time per source.Keep a record of all the material you use for research as you will need it later. 2. Use the power of the internet: The fastest way to get a large amount of research is off the internet. There is an art to good searching so make sure you know all the top tips and tricks on the search engines. Again, make notes of all the sites that you used for later reference.Make sure that the source is legitimate and credible as not everything you will read on the internet is correct. Check and double-check all facts. 3. Make a list and start reading: Once you have details of all the material you will use for you will have to systematically work through it. It will require a large amount of reading so take notes as you go. You need to identify parts of the material that is not relevant to your essay so that you can quickly skip over them. Work according to your time budget.If you find that you just do not have enough time to complete it, you might just say “I need someone to do my essay”. Fortunately, there are people that can help you with that.If you are going to do the essay yourself, continue with the research. 4. Evaluate the information: Not all of the information you will have read during your inspection will be relevant to your essay. Probably much of it will need to be excluded. You will need to carefully evaluate all of the data and information to determine the important and relevant aspects.  Here your notes will be very important.Starting organizing all the information that you want to use for your essay to see if there are any parts missing or incomplete. Study the relevant information again. It should be a bit faster now as you are familiar with it and only reading the relevant parts. Discard anything not important or specifically relevant to the topic of your essay.This is a good time to create a detailed plan of your essay outline. 5. Research further: Now that you have evaluated knowing the things well and worked out what is important, you will be able to identify any gaps or areas that might require additional research.  This is not a major task as you will have most of the required information. You will also have a good idea where you can find more details on the points that require additional research. Final thoughts: You will find that if you follow these steps, the research will go more smoothly and a bit faster. Once you have done good quality research it will be easier to produce a great essay.Read Also:Research Thesis Statement Expresses The Judgment Of The Writer On The Topic 5 Tips For Getting A Cheap Essay Writing Service Online

Writing Skills

8 Easy Ways for Students to Improve Their Writing Skills

Writing skills are essential for students today. They include many aspects of personal and professional development. Once obtained, a student will easily use it in the future when writing motivation or cover letter, when completing a CV or portfolio, writing a personal blog, business offer, and others. Writing skills are essential for every educated adult person. Writing self-expression is the first thing employers and business partners are paying their attention to. That is the reason students have so many essays, term papers, reviews, analytical papers, and thesis to write. Here are 8 Easy Ways for Students to Improve Their Writing Skills: 1. Read books The first and the most fundamental advice to improve writing skills is to read books. Every successful business person reads at least five books every month. It not only improves a vocabulary but also improves the way of thinking. The brain generates new ideas and gathers interesting speech expressions from the passive memory which reveals itself when needed. Except for boosting writing skills, you will also boost the mindset. 2. Read news Today news is not only politics. There are tech news, music, culture, life stories, and many other types of publishers that cover world auditory. You can easily find your service and look through it one a day to know what's new and to improve vocabulary. The most popular publishers are Forrester, Gartner, HuffingtonPost, Wired, and many others. There are articles to everyone’s taste. 3. Learn grammar We all can speak and think that we know grammar. However, try passing one of the tests online, and you will acknowledge how wrong you are. Learning grammar is a never-ending process. Even if you have learned it Ince and have passed the exam, you will definitely forget some of the essential rules in one year. It is recommended to repeat the course once a year or at least once two years to be always professional.4. Read blogs After repeating grammar rules, find a few blogs to read. Yes, it is not the best option for learning the language; however, you will notice how hard it is no read stylistically, and logically poor texts. You will notice the difference between good and medium writing quality. Noticing mistakes will improve your skills significantly. 5. Talk to people correctly When talking to people, try to use correct contractions and various words unusual for speaking. It will give you a better understanding of which context you can use particular words and which constructions are better for understanding. Watch people’s reactions. When they need time to understand or ask you to repeat, it is better not to use the phrase. Otherwise, piquant combinations are welcomed. 6. Critical thinking If you would like to know how to improve your writing skills, you should discover how to develop critical thinking. Critical thinking includes two aspects: the ability to reason and judge according to the reasons. Writers can analyze information and find or explain the reason for any fact, concept, action, research, and others. These reasons lead them through further writing.7. Formatting Adjusting formatting is the most monotone and boring occupation but essential if you want to improve your English writing. Formatting rules are represented in study guides. They are to prevent plagiarism and make any paper stand for educational standards. It takes a lot of time and patience. If you don’t have both, ask assignment writing service in Australia to do it for you. 8. Structure Each text has to be well structured as well as formatted. Otherwise, readers will lose interest after the first paragraph. First, don’t make paragraphs too long. It has to have the first introductory sentence and the last transition one. The beginning of the article, essay, paper, critical review, or other must-have a hooch, and it is necessary to mention it in conclusion. Try to represent information in an interesting way including listings. If applicable, add tables and images. Visual material is always a benefit. Conclusion Every educated person should realize how to develop writing skills. It is a never-ending process because, like every other field, language has its trends, a popular set of expressions and vocabulary. The ways to keep updated include reading books, journals, blogs, refreshing grammar knowledge every one or two years, and keeping the structure understandable and catchy. Developing critical thinking is another fundamental element that helps in every educational field.Read Also : Argumentative Writing – The Skills You Need To Develop Top 7 Things To Take Into Consideration When Selecting Essay Writing Service 6 Ways to Achieve an Essay Writing Task Successfully