Gamification of an organization is something many business owners are trying to figure out recently. What it is, is it worth giving a shot, and will it bring the desired results?
You probably know by now that gamification is a process in which game elements are used in a work environment to make employees more engaged, motivated so their performance and productivity can improve.
Some of the world’s most successful companies, such as Microsoft, have used a gamification platform (Centrical’s) to motivate and engage their employees. Having done gamification the right way, they could see how it can transform everyone involved, bring some positive changes, and help an organization meet its goals.
How does it motivate employees?
Gamification doesn’t only motivate employees but keeps them motivated every day at work. We all like to be acknowledged and praised when we excel at work, to know we matter. With gamification, managers can track their employees’ performance, know the best performers, and award them accordingly.
Those who excel at work, achieve good results and manage to improve their performance need to be awarded accordingly. Knowing their hard work pays off, everyone involved will work harder on their improvement.
Gamification keeps employees engaged:
Each task they do is important. With gamification, the better they perform the higher the score they have. In a community where all scores are displayed, nobody wants to be the poorest performing employee. They give their best, learn, cooperate with each other to improve their performance and get more points.
One way of keeping them engaged in learning. For employees, to improve their performance and productivity, it is a must to provide them with the necessary tools and resources that can help them achieve these goals.
Gamification brings short videos, multiple-choice tests and quizzes, and other material that mimics the online research and time they spend on the internet in their free time, so this learning process doesn’t feel like learning at all.
Promotes communication and a healthy work environment:
To help employees become better at what they do, managers need to communicate with them in order to understand their needs, strengths, and weaknesses. Gamification also encourages employees to work as a team to meet their organization’s goals. This creates a healthy work environment where people can help each other, enjoy the work together and have fun while competing and learning.
Gamify customers:
Gamification is not only created for employees but customers as well. Lots of companies use gamification to increase their customer base and reward their loyal customers. For example, Starbucks rewards its customers with freebies and that helps them encourage regular visits and purchases.
Gamification can transform your business if done well:
What every company needs to know before doing gamification is that it must have clearly defined goals in order to know how to reach those goals and which steps it needs to take to achieve them. Gamification is successful when it drives the desired behavior from employees and customers. Once they start behaving in a desired way, their motivation and engagement will increase, and performance and productivity improve.
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