Want to improve your brain power? Fuel your brain, with enough protein to improve its performance. Here, I shall be discussing 5 food types that could help in improving your mental health.
The most important inclusion to the diet chart is food items that are rich sources of lean protein. Protein is probably one of the most abundant substances present in the body, next only to carbohydrate. The food that we consume is broken down to substances for creating neurotransmitters and different other chemicals. These chemicals and neurotransmitters help the nervous system and provide power to the brain for communicating in an effective manner. Tryptophan, a certain kind of amino acid influences the mood by the effective production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin helps in fighting depression. Some of the common sources of lean protein are eggs, beans, chicken, turkey, and fish. Consuming these food items in suitable amount helps in keeping the serotonin level balanced. Complex carbs are also important to include in the diet. They help in facilitating the tryptophan entry into the brain. This helps in reducing the anxiety and depression, thus, improving cognitive functioning.
Include Fish in the Diet
Fish, especially the sea-based ones are high sources of protein and are low in terms of saturated fats. Sea-based fish like trout, anchovies, herring, salmon, prawn, sardines, and sablefish are also high sources of omega-3 fatty acid. Seafood or sea-based fish are an exclusive part of protein families and must be consumed at least twice in a week. Remember, the composition of our brain is largely based on fat. Our body is incapable of manufacturing those essential fatty acids in a large volume. Therefore, we must depend on diets that are rich in lean protein and omega-3 fatty acids that would help in our brainpower prowess. Omega-3 fatty acid also helps in boosting memory and developing the learning power of the brain.
Soy and Tofu (Non-GMO based) are said to be excellent sources of lean protein with low-fat content. They could be the best alternative to red meat. Enjoy a meatless diet with soy and tofu to get essential protein, without affecting your health.
Focusing on Dairy Products
Certain dairy products like, yogurt, milk, and cheese are high sources of protein. However, they are not sources of lean protein. Rather, they are sources of healthy proteins, with fat content. Therefore, you must avoid flavored milk and low-fat yogurts due to their inclusion of added sugar. Also, it is advisable to avoid processed cheese because of the presence of non-dairy ingredients.
Beans and Peas
Finally, include beans and peas into the diet. Both these vegetables are said to be high sources of protein and fiber. Include them in the salads, stews, soups, and other vegetable dish preparation. It would not only help in boosting your protein intake but also help in preventing the chances of cancerous cell growth factor.
Try to avoid processed carbs and replace them, with high-quality protein-based food into your diet. It would also prevent the chances of brain stroke and heart diseases while improving your mental agility and power.
I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.
Getting a diagnosis that you have a chronic illness can be devastating. You start blaming yourself for your actions, but you also worry about what could happen to the people you love if you do not get well soon.Apart from the physical pain, you might also have to deal with the emotional trauma that comes with it. These are some techniques to help you cope with the emotional burden of having a chronic illness.
Allow yourself to slow down:
We now live in an age and time where everything seems to be moving quickly. When you know that you have a chronic illness, permit yourself to slow everything down. You might feel the need to rush because everyone around you is quick, and you might feel guilty if you are unable to cope. However, since you already have an illness, you cannot let yourself suffer from undue stress when you can control the situation. Give yourself more time to sleep if possible, and when you have time to relax, you need to drop everything else that you are doing.
Write everything you feel grateful for:
When you are ill, it might be easy for you to forget the good things happening around you. Therefore, it helps if you start writing everything that you want to be grateful for, even the smallest things. You can also set a day when you treat yourself or go out with your family because you are thankful for the gift of life.
Take the opportunity to do other things:
When the pain is too much for you to bear, and you end up staying at home, you might feel terrible. You might think that you are useless as you are unable to provide for your family. Instead of looking at things that way, you can use it as an opportunity to do the things you failed to do before because you were too busy. Use your free time to read books or watch TV series, or ask your friends to come over if they have time and catch up.
Be with people who make you feel well:
It also helps to be around people who love and understand you, as they will be there by your side during the most challenging situations. Let go of your toxic relationships since you could end up feeling more terrible than you already do.
Face your illness:
You do not feel well right now because you keep worrying about your health. Instead of being too anxious, you can face the problem head-on. If you do not have enough funds to pay the medical bills, you can start raising funds online. If you do not think your medicines work you can look for alternative options, so, for instance, you could try CBD vape oil UK retailers if you want to attempt something new. The CBD oil may or may not work for you, but there is no harm in trying it; you can ask your doctor if it is safe for you. The point is that you should not allow your illness to defeat you.Sometimes, the emotional pain that comes with being physically sick is more painful. You need to manage how you feel and come out a better person.Read Also:The Disturbing Trend Of Multiple Chronic Medical Conditions
Need To Get Something Done? Here Are 10 Tips On How To Get Motivated For Anything
Acne affects up to a whopping 50 million Americans every year. That's already bad news, but the list of skin problems doesn't end there. There's also atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and yes, aging skin.The good news is, you can prevent or at least minimize your risks for such problems. One of these is through using the best skin care products in the market. Another is through seeking the help of skin care experts.At the end of the day though, having great skin has a lot to do with your own personal skin care regimen. That, and loading up on foods proven helpful for skin health.The good news is, Mother Nature has given us access to so many of these foods. We've rounded up 11 of the best foods that can give you that younger, healthier skin you've always wanted.
1. Avocado:
Great news, since almost all of us love avocados. We love it so much that the average American eats about seven pounds of it a year! But what's even better aside from its rich and creamy flavor is that it's loaded with great things for the skin.Vitamin A -- check. Vitamin D -- check. Vitamin E-check. All that and more, avocados can give you and your skin. It's more of a question of what it doesn't, really.It's particularly rich in Vitamin E that helps with hydration and overall skin nutrition. It's rich in fats and phytonutrients, giving the fruit antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits.Researchers have also found avocado oil to have collagen-increasing properties. Another study even found it to have potent antimicrobial effects! We can go on and on about avocado's benefits for the skin, but you get the gist.Plenty more reason to gobble up guacamole!
2. Berries:
Who doesn't love strawberry or blueberry cheesecake? Here's another great reason to love these fruits: their skin protecting benefits!Plus, there are plenty of other choices, all of which are lip-smacking. There are the goji, blackberry, and raspberry variants.These fruits may be small, but they pack a punch when it comes to dealing with free radicals. They contain loads of antioxidants, helping kill toxic elements that damage cells. They also supply you with a good dose of Vitamin C to boost your skin's collagen levels.Note though that the darker their color, the better they are for your health (and your skin).But helping reduce signs of skin aging (like wrinkles) isn't berries' only benefit. Their ellagic acid content may also have sun-damage protecting features. A separate study even found they may even boost heart health and brain power!Either way, all those are some berry awesome news, don't you think?
3. Broccoli:
For the longest time, Broccoli has been a superpower food. After all, its many health benefits are all scientifically-proven. It can help with detoxification, deal with inflammations, and boost Vitamin D levels.What makes it particularly amazing for the skin is its glucoraphanin content. This phytochemical helps repair skin damage and improve overall skin health. It also helps prevent UV damage that can wreak havoc to your skin.When the body converts this into sulforaphane, it can even act as a preventive agent for cancers! That includes skin cancer, as well as breast, colon, and stomach cancers among many others.So, do what your mom told you. Eat your vegetables, particularly these amazing green florets. Speaking of which, here are a few tips to have your kids eat veggies too.
4. Dark Chocolate:
Need more reason to indulge in dark chocolate? Well, how about scientific evidence that they're great for your skin?In one study, participants consumed high flavanol cocoa for six to 12 weeks. They reported an increase in their skin's moisturization level. They also said their skin felt thicker, smoother, and all in all, healthier.A separate study also supports other findings on dark cocoa's skin protective properties. The keyword here is dark, so make sure you know your chocolates. It's best you stick to the dark kind that contains at least 70% cocoa.
5. Fatty Fish:
What if we told you there's a way on how to have better skin while also boosting heart health? You can also add lower blood pressure to that list.What we're referring to is loading up on fatty fish! There's the rich, buttery, and great-tasting salmon for starters. For meal variation, you can go with herring and mackerel too.Either way, these fishes contain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. They may sound quite unhealthy, but it's exactly the opposite.For instance, you need these fatty acids for the health of your skin. They're especially helpful for keeping your skin hydrated and supple. If you don't eat enough of these fats, your skin may end up becoming dry and scaly.Also, omega-3 fats can help with acne management. These fatty acids help minimize inflammation after all. As such, they make a great addition to the list of must-have ingredients for the best diet for acne.Pro Tip: If you have serious breakouts, consider professional skin care services. Check out MyBotoxLA for services such as facials and skin care treatments.
6. Green Tea:
Knowing about the many skin benefits of green tea is one way to drink less soda. Unlike soda that's linked to so many health conditions, green tea is far healthier.For starters, this tea boasts high amounts of catechins. It's one of the plant's primary health-beneficial compounds. Studies like this have shown them to have powerful antioxidant functions.As you know by now, antioxidants protect your skin against damage from UV exposure. The sun's UV rays are notorious for premature skin aging, so drinking green tea may help prevent that.Here's another reason: It can help moisturize your skin! In a three-month study, women who drank green tea reported skin health improvements. These include better skin hydration, less roughness, and greater elasticity.A friendly reminder though: You may want to think twice about splashing some milk in your tea. Granted, further studies have yet to answer the question, "Is dairy bad for your skin?". But existing research found that dairy products may further irritate acne.
7. Kale:
Kale is much like broccoli, although it's a relatively new addition to superfoods. It delivers pretty much the same benefits, including helping the body's collagen synthesis. That's many thanks to the high Vitamin C content of the vegetable.Plus, a cup of this contains the same amount of absorbable calcium you'll get with one cup of cow milk. That makes it a much better source for calcium, especially if you're worried about dairy and acne.
8. Nuts:
We're not saying you should go nuts every time you eat walnuts or almonds. Even only a handful of them can already bring benefits from their high Vitamin E content. They also contain selenium, another powerful antioxidant.All these, plus their zinc and omega-3 fatty content, make nuts a great skin health booster. These nutrients help keep your skin taut and tight by raising collagen levels. Plus, they're great sources of fiber, helping improve bowel movement.
9. Tofu:
Have you ever wondered how women from Southeast Asia (like the Japanese), have amazing skin? Well, it may have something to do with their love of tofu, or soy, in general.First off, tofu's rich in calcium, Vitamin E, and protein (for skin cell production and regeneration). It also contains soy isoflavones, which have shown to increase collagen fibers. Another study also reported that isoflavones may reduce skin wrinkling and discoloration.So, consider adding tofu to your diet. It may give you back that youthful, glowing skin you've had in your younger years.
10. Tomatoes:
Who doesn't want clearer skin? Almost all, if not everyone wants glowing, smooth skin, and eating more tomatoes may help.One reason is that of these red fruits' lycopene content. You may have heard of this compound's potential cancer-fighting properties. But lycopene has other skin benefits too, thanks to its antioxidant properties.That includes boosting the skin's protection against the sun's damaging UV rays. Furthermore, it helps minimize damage due to UV exposure. Researchers have also found tomatoes to help with skin cell replacement.
11. Watercress:
Watercress' leaves may be smaller than your usual greens, but it's packed with skin benefits. It's vitamin-rich, starting with a high Vitamin A content. It also contains three types of Vitamin B, as well as Vitamins C, E, and K.Those vitamins alone make it a great source for antioxidants that help protect the skin. Researchers also say that watercress consumption may even reduce cancer risks.
Combining a Healthy Diet with Proper Skin Care for Great Skin:
These are only 11 of the superfoods you should stock up on to have great skin. But, they're some of the best ones that you should incorporate in your healthy meals ASAP.Don't forget that personal hygiene and proper skin care also affect skin health! So, be sure you combine all three for that glorious looking skin. Of course, it also doesn't hurt to visit skin care specialists from time to time.Want more insider info on health, fitness, and food? Then make sure you pay our blog's Lifestyle section a visit!Read Also:Foods To Eat On A Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet
10 Foods For Vibrant, Glowing And Younger Skin
Hearing loss isn't always something that can be prevented. Sometimes loss of hearing is just something that happens as you get older.But in an increasingly loud and busy world, hearing loss might be caused early or worsened by the environment around you.And once you're hearing is gone, it can be gone for good.Can you imagine life without being able to hear? It's a scary thought for many and should be. And yet, very few of us take the proper precautions in protecting our ears and our hearing.That changes now. If you're committed to the concept of ear health and protecting your hearing, read on. We'll discuss several ways to help ensure that your hearing stays strong and true for many years to come.
The Case For Earplugs :You likely rolled your eyes back in your youth when your parents advised you to wear earplugs to that rock and roll concert. But they were on to something.Approximately 15% of Americans lose hearing as a result of too-loud work or leisure environments. If you work or spend lots of time in an environment where the sound level forces you to shout to be able to communicate, it's likely that the sound levels there are dangerously high. This loudness could be due to a concert or club, or even more often, due to some form of loud and consistent machinery.If you know that you spend many hours around this kind of noise level, you should absolutely invest in a good pair of earplugs. Earplugs are easy to obtain, generally affordable, and can even be made individualized for your ears upon request. They can dampen the level of sound coming in from your environment by a significant margin, helping to curb the possible loss of hearing.
Keep The Volume Low :
According to the World Health Organization, over a billion people each year are at risk of hearing loss due to the unsafe use of audio devices. Earbuds, like the popular headphones designed by Apple, are especially dangerous for ear health as they fit directly into the eardrum.If you're a music lover, you probably spend a lot of time listening to music on headphones. If you care about the health of your ears, though, you should make an effort to keep the volume at a lower level. Doctors recommend a philosophy they've dubbed the 60/60 rule. The rule is a recommendation that you listen to music through headphones at 60% volume for less than 60 minutes a day for the benefit of your hearing.Even when not listening to headphones, you should aim to keep music played at a normal level to ensure long-lasting ear health.
Avoid Cotton Swabs :One of the most common items in any household bathroom cabinet is a jar of cotton swabs. These little tools have been used by people to clean out ear wax for years and years, but it's only more recently that their nefarious reputation has begun to reach the public.It actually turns out that a little wax in the ears is both healthy and normal. Ears are self-cleaning organs and the wax in your ears actually serves to prevent dust and other particles from entering your eardrum.If you do have excess wax, it is not advisable that you use a cotton swab. You can very easily damage your eardrum by using a cotton swab. Instead, considering using a damp towel to gently clean around the canal.There are also various ear wax solutions that are available in stores. These are applied to the ears overnight and can help to dissolve and soften ear wax so that it can flow out of the inner ear on its own.
Keep Your Ears Dry :
Another frequent cause of ear damage is extra moisture. Excess moisture can allow bacteria to enter the ear canal and cause serious problems, such as a swimmer's ear or other infections.Following swims at the pool or beach, showers or baths, or any other water-related activity, you should be sure to gently towel-dry your ears. If you can feel the moisture in your ear following swimming or bathing, tilt your head to the side and tug lightly on your eardrum to help water drain out.There are also specially designed swimmer's earplugs available on the market, which can help prevent water from entering your eardrum during a swim. They work great for any age, kids or adults, and can be individually fitted for your ear by a licensed physician.
Consider Getting Regular Check-Ups :Especially as you get older, you should ask your physician to incorporate hearing screenings into your regular checkups. Hearing loss doesn't happen in a flash of light, it is a very gradual process. It's recommended, then, that you have yearly consultations with a hearing healthcare professional, who can recognize the signs of hearing loss while it is still in the early stages.Taking action against hearing loss is important, as is discussing it with your doctor. Loss of hearing has been linked to other health concerns such as depression, dementia, and heart disease. Establishing a relationship with your doctor in regards to ear health early on can contribute to better overall health later on.If you do find yourself losing hearing, you should ensure to invest in a proper hearing aid. With all the advances in rechargeable hearing aids over the past few years, they now serve people with hearing impairment much better. A well-designed hearing aid can help improve the quality of life for someone who has lost hearing and can stave off the other health issues previously mentioned. If you're interested in the best hearing aids on the market, you can learn more here.Read Also :5 Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Smile
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