Students are always having a tough time when they get into college because they do not have enough funds. In that case, they are left with no options but to take students loans. However, taking loans is not the end of your problems because then you have to worry about repaying them back on time and live comfortably during your student life. There are a few things that you can do to make your student loans repayment a bit easy. Here are some pointers for you.
1. Crowdfunding:
Crowdfunding is getting very popular these days. Whether you are an ambitious businessman or a student wanting to pay your way through the tuition fee of college, crowdfunding is a great way to overcome your financial issues. Raise funds from your inner social circle, including your family and friends, as a kind of graduation present from them to you. GoFundMe and Zerobound are sites that will help you raise such funds towards the student loan debt, and in exchange, you have to volunteer for some community work.
2. Borrow Federal Student Loans:
If you think that the loan debt is unavoidable, you can always consider borrowing federal student loan first. The major reason is that federal student loans are usually not that expensive and are easier to qualify for as well. There are far more repayment options for you in federal students loans as compared to the private student loans. You will also have protection programs in federal loans also. For example, if you lose your job, the federal loan program will offer you the option to defer payments. Click here to know more about it.
3. Total Student Debt Should Be Less Than Your Income:
There is a set of rules that you must follow. Your expected annual starting salary should be more than your total debt from your student loans at the time of graduation. How else will you be able to repay your loans AND survive through your normal life? Many students take student loans so they can afford college, but it is advised that students should keep not take too many loans. What you should do is not to take out more loan than your salary. Don’t take out more than your first year’s salary. What you can do is to keep the costs to a minimum and attend the college that you can afford comfortably. If you are able to do it as such, you might be able to repay student loans in less than ten years.
Financial experts advise that if you are out of your federal loan options, you should consider a private student loan. However, if you will qualify for one private loan, you can qualify for more of them. You are the customer, so you should always ask for any benefits the loan provides. If you have any medical issues, you should buy college tuition insurance. The option will protect you from taking on more loans in case you get ill or have to withdraw.
4. Make A Budget:
Most of the kids during their school and college years do not have any source of income, so you just have to keep living like that in college until you have a stable income. Build up an emergency fund for yourself, and start saving money for the things you want to buy. Remember, living modestly right now will help you in the longer run.
When you graduate out of high school, it can be overwhelming, but it is important to remember to see the bigger picture here. These hacks will help you manage your student loans efficiently.
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