Pregnancy is considered as a blissful experience for and by every woman. Being so exhilarating and elating happening, it demands a lot of care, both physically and emotionally. To help you along the way to your parturition, a few things must be kept in mind.
The prime step of prenatal care during pregnancy is to choose an adroit and devoted health care provider. It is of paramount importance since your doctor would be the one caring for you and your baby for the next 40 weeks of your pregnancy. While, choosing your own family doctor is always the best choice, but in case he/she is not experienced as a Gynecologist, you should consult a Gynecologist. You can also take frequent suggestions from your family doctor just to ensure that everything is moving smoothly and as planned.
Scheduling your first visit to your doctor is the next step towards a well-planned pregnancy. This visit is typically scheduled in between 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy. A frequent visit to your doctor during your entire pregnancy is a must and is more important if you have some prior health issues. You must also consult on your doctors on some better sleep guide. We will talk in details about sleep.
A healthy and nutritious diet is the vital essential for a healthy baby. The diet must contain at least three to four servings of fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains in the whole day. A small amount of fat intake is also necessary. Raw animal products, as well as raw fruits and vegetables, must be strictly avoided. Refrigerated foods, unpasteurized dairy products, certain seafood, alcohol, and unpasteurized juices can also be harmful to the mother and the baby. While there is a list of things that you should not take while pregnant, you should consult your doctor to get a better idea about the same. Proper medications and prenatal vitamins are also crucial for a healthy pregnancy.
Being physically active during your pregnancy helps you to be enthusiastic and ecstatic. A basic exercise and physical activity as suggested by your doctor would be the best choice. However, any kind of physical stress must be avoided, especially during the first trimester, as there is a greater chance of miscarriage during this period. Any types of sit-ups, inverted activities, and fall risk activities should be critically avoided.
How to sleep while pregnant? One of the major guidelines for a pregnant woman is about the accurate sleeping posture, which is also termed as SOS. SOS means Sleep on Side. While, you can sleep on either side, sleeping on the left side is preferable because of its unique advantages of better blood and nutrients circulation. An SOS with bent knees and legs posture and a pillow between the legs can be more effective. Pregnancy can result in lack of sleep and thus, a memory foam mattress is recommended by physicians for a good and comfortable sleep. To provide your body a complete rest avoiding the issue of sleep deprivation, a piece of soft and soothing music can also be helpful. Choose your own music to help you sleep.
Keep the above facts in your mind, and enjoy a healthy pregnancy. And don’t forget to consult your doctor for the best advice.
I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.
If you suffer from dry eyes, it's important to make sure your diet is providing your body with the nutrients it needs. Your optometrist can help you with dietary changes to support your eye health and decrease symptoms.Certain vitamins and nutrients can improve your tear quality and reduce dry eye symptoms. Some of these include Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Omega-3 fatty acids.
Vitamin AVitamin A is a fat-soluble compound that aids in the growth of cells and tissues throughout the body, including those of the eye. It's found in a variety of foods, including carrots, spinach, and apricots.The body can convert carotenoids to retinol, the active form of vitamin A. This happens as the body needs it, and it's possible to get this vitamin from food sources or supplements.A deficiency of this vitamin is associated with poor tear quality and tear film dysfunction, which may lead to dry eye symptoms. The best way to ensure you have enough of this essential nutrient is by eating a balanced diet rich in foods that contain vitamin A, such as carrots and other orange-yellow vegetables.Another important nutrient that may help with dry eyes is Vitamin D, which decreases inflammation and improves the lubrication ability of the tear film. Some sources of this nutrient include eggs, fish, and fortified cereals.Finally, Omega-3 fats have been shown to reduce inflammation, which may be helpful for reducing irritation and dry eye symptoms like pain and itching. They also increase the amount of oil in your eyelids, which affects how quickly tears evaporate.Whether you need to add more nutrition to your diet or want to take vitamins to help treat your dry eyes, it's important to speak with your eye doctor before you start any new treatment plan. With proper care, you can maintain healthy vision and minimize your dry eye symptoms for good.Fish OilFish oil is considered one of the best vitamins to take for dry eyes. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce inflammation and soothe your eyelids.Omega-3 fatty acids can also stimulate the production of oils in your meibomian glands, which are responsible for producing tears that lubricate the surface of your eyes. It can also help prevent dry eyes from occurring in the first place.Fatty fish, including herring, halibut, salmon, and tuna are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. They can be a great addition to a healthy diet to relieve dry eyes and other symptoms associated with dry eyes such as watery eyes, itchy, irritated eyes, and burning sensations.It can also help to improve your vitamin D level, which is crucial for your eye health. Studies suggest that a deficiency of Vitamin D may be linked to dry eye syndrome, so adding it through diet or supplements is helpful in reducing symptoms and improving tear quality.This vitamin is important for your retina, where it plays a key role in the health of your vision. It’s also a key antioxidant that protects your eyes from the sun.You can also get Vitamin A from foods like carrots, spinach, and tomatoes. Taking vitamin A supplements may be beneficial for some individuals who are deficient in this nutrient. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that can also reduce the risk of developing eye diseases and infections.
Vitamin CVitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that’s needed to help your body fight infection, heal wounds and keep tissues healthy. It’s available in fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruit, strawberries, cantaloupe, green peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and leafy greens.This vitamin helps lubricate your eyes and prevent dryness. It’s also an antioxidant that helps protect the blood vessels in your eye and prevent cataracts.It’s best absorbed from foods, but it can be injected into the vein (intravenous) if necessary. Higher doses of intravenous vitamin C can be helpful in treating certain medical conditions, such as cancer.But it can also cause negative side effects if it’s taken in too much, so talk to your doctor before you take any supplements.Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish oil, can reduce inflammation and improve the quality of your tears. They also promote the production of oils in your meibomian glands, which are responsible for keeping your tears moist and preventing them from evaporating too quickly.These nutrients are found in eggs, fish, dark leafy greens, and other food sources. You can also get them from multivitamins and other supplement products.It’s important to make sure you get enough of all the vitamins and minerals you need through a balanced diet. However, if you’re unable to achieve your recommended daily intake, supplements can be helpful to ease the symptoms of dry eyes.
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Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are found in foods like fish and seafood, eggs, and dark leafy vegetables. They are also available in supplements, but the body can't produce them on its own, so a healthy diet is the best way to get them.One study shows that consuming omega-3 fats from fish can lower your risk of dry eye. In fact, researchers found that women who consumed the most omega-3s had a 17% lower risk of developing dry eyes.Aside from reducing inflammation, omega-3s may also help your eye make more natural tears. This is because they improve the quality and quantity of the tear film.However, if you are looking to supplement with omega-3s, it is important to choose supplements that contain EPA and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) rather than ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). Although flaxseed oil contains ALA, it doesn't have the same effect on your eyes as EPA or DHA do.Several studies show that supplements can help improve dry eyes, but it's important to talk to your doctor before you take them. They will be able to recommend the best supplements for you. And they will know how much you should take to benefit your eyes and overall health.
Vitamin DAdding the right vitamins and nutrients to your diet can help improve the health of your eyes, including those suffering from dry eye syndrome. It can also reduce itchiness, burning, and irritation.Vitamin D is an important nutrient that can be found naturally in fish, dairy products, and mushrooms. It’s also available as a supplement if you don’t get enough sunlight to reach your optimal level, which is usually 600 IU or more per day.It’s particularly important for people with darker skin pigmentation, as they produce less vitamin D through exposure to the sun than those with light-colored skin. This means that even if you’re getting plenty of sunshine, you may not be able to get the level of vitamin D your body needs to keep your eyes healthy.Another way to ensure that your eyes are receiving the nutrients they need is to add zinc to your diet. Zinc is a mineral that helps the liver deliver vitamin A to the retina to produce melanin, a pigment that protects your eyes.While some studies have shown that taking supplements can help ease symptoms of dry eye, be aware that excessive intake can lead to side effects and toxicity. It’s always advisable to speak with an optometrist or a pharmacist to make sure that any supplements you are considering are safe for you and your unique health situation.
Lutein & Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants that have been shown to protect your eyes from dry eye syndrome, macular degeneration, and cataracts. They can be found in a wide range of foods, including leafy greens like spinach and kale. They can also be taken as dietary supplements.These antioxidants help your eyes by reducing oxidative stress and free radical damage. They also help protect your eyes from light glare and UV rays.They can also slow down macular degeneration, a disease that affects your central vision. It happens when blood vessels in the macula leak fluid. It is a leading cause of blindness in older people.The best way to get these important vitamins into your body is to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables. It is also a good idea to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve the quality of your tears and reduce inflammation in your eyes.Zinc is another nutrient that can help your eyes stay healthy. This mineral is needed to transport vitamin A from your liver to your retina and to produce melanin, which helps protect your eyes from infection and injury. It is found in a wide variety of foods, including dairy, nuts, legumes, and whole grains.Lutein and zeaxanthin can also be taken as dietary supplements, but you should always speak with your doctor before taking any new vitamins or supplements to ensure they are safe for you.Read Also:10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health
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There are many kinds of addiction to nicotine. One can only feel the urge to smoke on special occasions, for example at weddings or before exams. Some smokers only enjoy a cigarette in the morning, but cannot imagine starting a day without it. Others only smoke alone, never in a group. Some of them smoke a pack a day, others – a pack a year. But every kind of regular smoking (even if it happens rarely, but still regularly) is an addiction. In some way it limits you. Even if you only smoke once a year, but still feel bad if you don’t have a cigarette this one time, you are addicted. Don’t limit yourself! This article will help you decide to quit, change your habits and stay resistant to the urge of having “just another one”.
Step 1. realize:
It happens quite sometimes that somebody says “I’m not addicted, I don’t need to do it, but I want to”. If you do so, try not to smoke and check your feelings. Is the lack of nicotine distracting you? Do you still feel you want to smoke, even if you say “you don’t need to”? Then maybe you are not as free as you think you are? The first step to getting out of nicotine addiction (and any other addiction in fact) is realizing that you have one. You don’t need to smoke every day to be addicted. But if you feel bad without having a cigarette, it’s quite obvious, that the nicotine is limiting you.
Step 2: choose the right moment:
It’s not easy to change your habits from one day to another. It will take some time and effort. That’s why it’s good to choose the right moment for quitting. If you know, you’ll be going through a lot of stress, for example, because of an exam or big changes in our life, it may not be a good time to quit. Try to find a time, when nothing extremely stressful can happen. Maybe a summer vacation? Maybe some peaceful time in the year? You’ll know better yourself. It can be rather hard to focus on your goal when you have a lot of things going on. And that doesn’t mean you cannot do it! It just makes it easier to quit, when the circumstances are favorable.
Step 3: change your mindset:
The most important thing to know is why you want to quit. Motivation is key. There are a lot of reasons to stop smoking, not only health issues and the money you spend on it. The most important thing is to free yourself from an addiction that limits you in your everyday life. So don’t think of it as a punishment. It’s not that you cannot smoke, you will just not need to do it anymore! When you think of not smoking as another limitation, it will be a lot harder.
Step 4: find a way:
When you decide to quit, you might find it hard at the beginning. That’s why it is helpful to find something to help you through it. Maybe a new hobby? Some exercise? And if the urge to smoke something is too strong, you could also try nicotine-free e-cigarettes. If you never tried this non-traditional way to smoke, you can find some cheap vaping deals online. Ideally, you should quit not only the nicotine but also the habit of smoking itself but remember – one step at a time.
Step 5: stay strong:
In the beginning, it can be hard not to smoke any more. But you can help yourself by changing your mindset – again. Don’t think that you are punishing yourself – in reality, you are rewarding yourself with life without addiction, live-in freedom. You’ll no longer feel bad or distracted when you have no time or opportunity to smoke. And don’t forget about all those benefits living smoke-free brings to your health. Your body will thank you and you’ll feel better. An idea is to write down all the good things that are coming from your non-smoking and keep the list in your wallet to look at it in the moment of weakness.
Step 6: enjoy!
Of course, it’s not an easy process to quit an addiction, especially when it has been going on for a while. You may feel weird without the cigarette breaks you used to take. You may miss the connection smoker have with each other. You may miss the relief that smoking gave you – but here’s the thing – it only gives you this relief if you are addicted. For a non-smoker, it makes literally no sense. So what’s the point of doing it anyway? Quit now and enjoy your life in freedom, you are not going to regret it.Read Also:How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society
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In the tough times of a coronavirus outbreak, people need to be mentally and financially prepared for them so that there is no hassle at any point in time. Currently, in India, there are several COVID-19 cases, which is the main reason people need to be very serious about this particular aspect with insurance like coronavirus health insurance because India is a vastly populated nation.
Why Is Coronavirus Health Insurance Required?The total number of vaccinated people is still few in comparison to the total population, and this particular virus is spreading widely across the nation. Hence, it is very much advisable for people to be prepared for any kind of unforeseen circumstance in advance.Whenever people are having proper access to the corona health insurance, then there will be no hassle at any point in time because people will be able to avail the best possible medical coverage without any kind of problem.The coronavirus disease can cause infection into the nose, upper throat, and several other kinds of areas, and in severe cases, people can also lead to different kinds of respiratory issues, for example, pneumonia, asthma, and several other types of problems like multiple organ failure.Hence, the symptoms of coronavirus infection are very much similar to the regular flu, which is the main reason people need to be very clear about all market available coronavirus health insurance policies so that there is no hassle at any point in time.
How Is Coronavirus Health Insurance Covering Expenses? Coronavirus health insurance will always refer to a vertical policy that will help in covering the medical expenses incurred in the treatment of COVID-19. This coronavirus health insurance policy has been specifically designed to cover the hospitalization expenses of the policyholder. It is resistant to any kind of disease and has been perfectly provided with the best possible care. Coronavirus is an infection, and the components of the health insurance policy will always help pay for the pre-and-post hospitalization expenses as well incurred with the treatment of COVID-19. The coronavirus health insurance will be very readily available from the day when the insured will be getting diagnosed with this particular disease, and the following are the most important advantages of this specific plan:In the cases of coronavirus treatment, it will be covered with zero additional cost with the help of this particular policy.
In the cases of home treatment, everything will be undertaken as covered if suggested by the doctor.
The consumable expenses like the cost of the PPE kit, mask, ventilator, and gloves will also be undertaken.
The principle of copayment will also be particularly applicable, but age-based copayment is not there in most of the plans.
People can also go with the option of availing the facility of cashless treatment.
Add-on covers are also significantly available in the whole process so that there is no problem at any point in time. Different Kinds Of Coronavirus Health Insurance Policies There are different kinds of COVID-19 policies available in India, which is why people need to be clear about the basic features of every policy so that they can choose the perfect options depending upon them. One should always go with that particular coronavirus health insurance policy that has been ideally launched by IRDA guidelines and is very much capable of fulfilling the overall purposes without any kind of query in people’s minds. Further, being clear about the sum insured and extra benefits associated with the whole process are vital so that people never get confused at any point in time.
Difference Between Coronavirus Health Insurance And Regular Policy
The coronavirus may be a newly discovered disease, but all the rest of the health insurance policies will also help in providing the coronavirus health insurance cover because it will be very much beneficial for the people. So this particular point is indicating that if the people have purchased any particular health insurance policy right before testing positive for any disease, then medical expenses incurred on the treatment will be entirely covered under it. Coronavirus is not a pre-existing ailment which is the main reason that it will also be covered as a very basic component of the hospital as if expenses under a particular health insurance plan which will include the inpatient hospital on costs, diagnostic testing charges, ICU charges, and several other kinds of related things.
Hence, it is very much important for people to be clear about the inclusions and exclusions of the coronavirus health insurance policy so that there is no problem at any point in time and people can make the right decisions with their life. Understanding the fundamental differences of the terms is another very important thing to be taken into consideration by the people. Apart from this, depending upon companies like Care Insurance is the best available choice which the people can make so that they can access the top-notch quality insurance plans without any kind of errors.Read Also:How To Know If Your Health Insurance Covers Visits The Chiropractor
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