Dubai is one of the most favorable cities to visit in the Middle East. However, you should remember to follow their laws and customs. Tourists feel safe in Dubai because of effective law enforcement. Dubai does not only have unique sites, but the locals are friendly and hospitable. When in Dubai, you are expected to respect the culture, belief system, and their traditions. Whether you go to Dubai for shopping, vacation, or business, you should be aware of their laws, so you don’t get in trouble.
What is Sharia Law?
Dubai is an Islamic country, which means that the Sharia Law governs it. This is a legal system coined from the Quran and the rulings of Islamic scholars. Sharia Law is a code of conduct that all Muslims adhere to, for instance, fasting, times of prayer, and helping the poor.
As a visitor to the city, you ought to do your research or contact a corporate lawyer Dubai office for guidance. This will not only keep you safe, but you will avoid fines, deportation, or jail. You need to be aware that some laws are applicable to both Muslims and non-Muslims.
Laws to Remember When Traveling to Dubai
Although this Middle East city is flexible for many activities and different nationalities, it is better to follow the laws. This way you can enjoy your stay here. Below are some of the dos and don’ts when traveling to Dubai.
Dubai has a zero-tolerance for drug-related crimes. If you are caught smuggling, trafficking, or in possession of any amount of drugs, the consequences can be severe. For instance, if you are involved in drug trafficking, you risk a death penalty, while possession can get you a 4-year jail term. Sometimes you might not be aware that some herbal highs are illegal, but you can seek a corporate lawyer Dubai expert to help you out.
Alcoholic Drinks
Dubai is an excellent place to party, but you should remember that this is an Islamic state, and alcohol in public is prohibited. However, non-Muslims are permitted to drink in designated areas. You must get a liquor license to drink in these areas or at home. A corporate lawyer Dubai expert will inform you that the law restricts hotels from serving alcohol to those under 21 years.
Decent Dressing
Middle East countries dress conservatively, and it is offensive when people ignore the Islamic values of modest dressing. Dress appropriately when going out to shopping malls, parks, and restaurants. Women should wear clothes that cover the top of their legs and arms, and swimming costumes are only allowed at the beach. Remember that cross-dressing is not only frowned upon, but it’s illegal.
It is not illegal to drive in Dubai; however, there is zero-tolerance towards drunk driving. If you plan to drive, don’t drink at all because even the smallest amount of alcohol in your system can get you arrested. Your corporate lawyer Dubai office will inform you of other crimes such as tailgating, lane jumping, using your phone while driving, and speeding. You could end up paying hefty fines, or they could impound your car.
Over the Counter Medication
The UAE has strict laws when it comes to drugs and specific medication such as those containing codeine unless you have a doctor’s prescription stating the period of use. It is crucial to check the list of banned substances or consult a corporate lawyer Dubai expert for advice.
It is prohibited to photograph certain government buildings and military institutions. You should also ask permission before photographing anyone to avoid getting arrested. If you love bird-watching, you might want to stay away from military bases, airports, and government buildings.
You can be fined for posting content on social media sites, for instance, information concerning the UAE government, individuals, and companies. Ridiculing or criticizing the state or the officials is an offense punishable by the law. A corporate lawyer Dubai expert can explain to you the consequences of such actions like being detained or convicted.
Offensive Behavior
The Emiratis are loving people, but they view a public display of affection as a rude behavior; however, married couples can hold hands. Swearing and using offensive language is not tolerated even if you do it online. This can lead to deportation or even jail. All homosexual relationships and marriages are illegal and not recognized by the Emirati government. Importing pornography and pork products is illegal, and all books, magazines, and journals are subject to scrutiny, and censorship.
Traveling to Dubai is on top of many people’s bucket list; however, you should be aware of their laws and the consequences of not adhering. The laws in Dubai are easy to follow, for instance, avoiding drugs, swearing, dressing decently, and avoiding any offensive behavior. These laws are similar to the code of conduct we follow every day.
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