Follow These 5 Yoga Poses to Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat


The ‘spare tire’ area of the body is the most dreaded place for unsightly fat. That section around and near our waistline and extending downward…yep…that stubborn belly fat that those suffering for it would love to remove. Many have tried special diets, exercise routines and expensive equipment to help them rid that extra baggage. But, have you tied Yoga?

Why has worried About The Belly Fat Region?

This is one of the most noticeable areas, thus making many quite self-conscious. While your mental health may be affected by this feeling, your physical health could be at risk also. Fat in this region of the body has been linked to certain cancers, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and insulin resistance; all of which can be life-threatening.

 Read also: Bed Time Yoga to Sleep Well

As we get older, this is even worse, as we slow down physically and so does our metabolism often increase this area of fat. So, to maintain a healthy lifestyle, one should learn to use the following exercises and follow them while maintaining a nutritious diet. One without the other simply won’t work.

Specific Postures

The following are some poses that are great for reducing that pesky belly fat. You should try to hold each pose for 15-30 seconds, and try to repeat it about 5 times with 15 seconds rest in between

Wind Easing Posture (Pavanamukthasana)

This one tone and firms the abdomen and relieves the lower back.

  • Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched and arms at your side.
  • Stretch your feet out with heels touching
  • While exhaling, bend the knees and bring them toward your chest
  • Press tightly toward your abdomen, applying pressure to the abdominal region
  • As you breathe deep, hold this pose for approximately 60 – 90 seconds
  • Exhale and release your knees while bringing your hands down to your sides with palms facing downward.

Cobra Posture (Bhujang Asana)

A word of caution should be you suffer from ulcers, back injuries, hernias or may be pregnant this pose should not be done by these individuals.

  • While lying on your stomach with your legs outstretched and palms under your shoulders, touch your toes and chin to the floor.
  • Keeping your legs flat on the floor, inhale slowly and begin raising your chest while bending backward as much as possible.
  • As you exhale, slowly lower yourself back to the original position.

Pontoon Posture (Naukasana)

Wonderful pose for tightening the stomach muscles and strengthening the legs and back.

  • With your back flat and legs together stretched out and arms at your side (palms down), inhale slowly and begin raising your legs, keeping straight.
  • Stretch your foot and toes pointing straight and raise your legs as high as possible.
  • Once you have reached this point, with arms straight, reach to your toes to create a 45-degree angle with your body. Hold the pose and normally breathe for 15 seconds. Release and inhale.

Bow Posture (Dhanurasana)

Strengthen your core with this pose. Full potential can be reached by rocking back and forth.

  • While lying on your stomach with your arms at your side, outstretch your legs
  • Bend your legs at the knees and reach backward with your arms to grasps the ankles and hold.
  • While inhaling, lift the head and begin bending backward while trying to lift your head a high as you possibly can.
  • Hold the pose for 15-30 seconds, breathing normally.
  • Exhale and come back to the original position.

Board (Kumbhakasana)

Caution should be taken if you have high blood pressure or and spinal injury.

  • Start by crouching with hand and knees directly underneath the shoulders and hips.
  • With the toes tucked under, begin to step back with your feet extending your legs. The entire body should be in a straight line from head to toe. Be sure to keep your hand flat with fingers spread apart.
  • Hold for 15-30 seconds or as long as possible. Then exhale and drop back to your knees.

It’s best for your body to complete these in the morning. Your best results will be to repeat the poses daily, 3-5 times, three days per week then take a day off.

Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in the USA. She has done MA in English literature. She loves to publish her article on different health websites. In her spare time, she likes to do research on health information. She is an inspirational writer who strongly believes in the power of self-motivation. Also, she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011, which is a leading health news platform. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter and Google+.

Read More:

  1. 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine
  2. Get Up And Workout! Things To Consider
  3. What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?
  4. Go Trampolining To Have Fun And Maintain Your Fitness

Lucia Patterson is the woman behind TheLegalGuides, a blog solely focused on legal guides, tips, and advice. Lucia loves essay writing and blogs at EssayWritingGuides from her college days.

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Why Going To The Dentist Is A Must

Going to a dentist is rarely a fun way to spend your time. Starting from taking time off work and ending with keeping your mouth open for too long, the visit can be downright unpleasant.How important is going to the dentist anyway? Maybe biannual visits are overrated. Can you get away with visiting that doctor once a year or whenever a tooth bothers you? Unfortunately, skipping a dentist appointment can lead to unfortunate consequences. Let’s find out why. Why Going To The Dentist Is A Must: 1. Saving Your Teeth: The teeth are prone to a significant number of damaging factors throughout our lives. Starting from solid foods and ending with bad habits, such as smoking. Even if we take great care of our teeth, brushing, flossing, and washing them after each meal, tooth decay can start anyway whenever our immune system is weakened by a cold.Catching tooth decay at its early stages is possible only when you visit a dentist. According to the experts from Bajars & Bajars, a dental clinic in San Diego, when you see the black spots on the tooth or feel it aching, most likely it’s too late. You may have to go through an unpleasant procedure of a root canal.If you catch the problem early enough, you may end up getting a simple filling. 2. Enjoying A White Smile: How important is a perfect smile for you? White teeth are a sign of good health. They make you more attractive to others. And we aren’t just talking about romantic encounters. A white smile can help you get your dream job, get assistance from a passerby, get your point though, and much more.No matter how well you brush your teeth, you can’t get all the plaque out. During biannual dentist visits, your doctor removes the plaque, helping your teeth stay clean and white until the next appointment. 3. Checking Your Gums: Your oral health doesn’t stop with your teeth. Gums are prone to many diseases, which can lead to painful and costly manipulations. By checking your gums in a dentist’s chair on a regular basis, you are taking care of your health and getting peace of mind.Your mouth is constantly under attack by food and drinks. Small scratches and cuts can lead to unfortunate problems. A dentist can discover them early when the treatment is still quick and simple. 4. Getting Advice: A dentist can give you proper advice about gum and teeth care. More often than not, simply brushing and flossing your teeth is not enough to maintain excellent oral health. Each mouth needs a special approach, and the care techniques may change with time.By visiting a dentist once every 6 months, you can get the care advice, which is suitable for your mouth at the time. 5. Saving Money: By caring for your mouth timely, you save yourself from paying substantial amounts of money for tooth care. What starts with a minor cavity, which can be easily filled, can turn into a tooth extraction and implant.The longer you can keep your teeth intact, the more money you’ll save. 6. Maintaining Your Digestive Health: The condition of your teeth directly affects your digestive system. If for some reason, you can’t chew properly, you may be faced with numerous problems in the GI tract. Teeth infections caused by decay also influence the rest of your organism.By going to the dentist once every six months, you can prevent problems, which don’t even seem related to teeth.Going to a dentist is a must for anyone, who wants to save time and money while enjoying a great appearance and excellent health.Read Also:5 Dental Hygiene Tips For A Healthier Smile 6 Ways To Relieve From Tooth Pain And Sensitivity Naturally

Symptoms of Menopause

Top 5 Life Hacks of Dealing with the Symptoms of Menopause

It is every woman's dream to dwell in her youthful years forever. Unfortunately, life is a wheel that keeps turning and change is inevitable. Just because you're now entering the menopause stage doesn't mean that your life is over. There always is a perk to every stage of life and focusing on the negatives only blurs your sight of the good things. Truth be said, menopause strings along troublesome effects. It may seem like the end of the world when you're experiencing hot flashes or mood swings. However, you can stay ahead of the game the natural way. 1. Hot Flashes This is the most complained about symptom in regards to menopause. The random changes from sweaty to chilly temperatures are disturbing. However, just because it's normal doesn't mean that you should sit around waiting for it to disrupt your life. You can gain control over it ahead of time by avoiding situations such as; hot tubs, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, stress, hot showers, intense exercise, white sugar, caffeine and hot weather.Although there aren't many studies backing this up, soy products are also thought to help control the irritating hot flashes. In addition to these, you may also want to give Black Cohosh a try. These are available as health supplements in health stores. Black Cohosh is believed to regulate night sweats, hot flashes, and mood changes. 2. Unreliable Mood Changes Our bodies have a mind of their own and we sometimes can't control what happens whether we like it or not. Another con symptom to expect during menopause is unstable mood swings. Just because you can't get hold of the burning urge to sob five minutes after sharing a hearty laughter with your friends doesn't mean that you should settle for it. There is scientific evidence proving that Omega 3 Fatty Acids supplements are highly effective in the treatment of menopause-related mental health problems. These include distress and mild depression. For better results, you may need to pair this up with exercise, ample rest and a healthy diet. 3. Vaginal Dryness Menopause does not necessarily mean the end of a healthy sex life. You may notice increased bouts of vaginal dryness during intercourse but nothing that a good tube of lube won't fix. Since there are many products out in the market, you may want to consult your doctor before settling for a particular one. There are special lubricating gels that are specially designed for menopausal women hence feel a bit more comfortable for you. 4. Weight Gain Noticed the numbers going up on your scale? Well, this is common during menopause. Unlike the common teachings that fats are to be avoided to prevent weight gain, you should actually incorporate then in your diet now. Yes, they may have more calories than proteins and carbs. However, fats are vital for hormone production, increased metabolism and lowering inflammation levels which are all key to effective weight loss. Always go for healthy fats such as unrefined oils which are rich in Vitamin E. This is effective in regulating estrogen production. You may also want to invest in flaxseed oil, coconut oil, palm oil, and extra-virgin olive oil. You may also find healthy oils in coconut milk, nuts, avocado, wild seafood, and seeds. You may be pardoned for considering a laxative for weight loss. However, this is highly discouraged as it only leads to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Stick to healthy weight loss choices. 5. Disturbed Sleep Are the tossing and turning driving you nuts? Worry not, there's a natural curb to it. The first step is getting your sleep routines in check. Go to bed at a particular time and stay there whether you're sleepy or not. With time, your body will sense bedtime ahead and start the shutting down process. You will notice yourself feeling drowsy whenever it's close to your bedtime. Avoid vigorous activities such as workouts and keep off caffeinated drinks in the afternoon. Sipping on some warm milk and herbal drinks may help you sleep better. Move the television, laptop, and phone from your bedroom as they are easy distractions.Menopause may be a challenging stage of life but it doesn't last forever. Stick to these routines even when you wish they results would kick in much faster. Avoid harmful practices such as consuming a laxative for weight loss in the attempt of speeding up the results. This will only lead to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Besides this, laxatives may lead to internal damage which is definitely not worth it. There are a lot of benefits to reap from nature if you only give it a chance.

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

How To Quit Alcohol: Consider Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Some people perceive drinking alcohol as fun. They, therefore, indulge in it without knowing its harmful effects when overly consumed. So, if you are overdoing alcohol, it is essential to change the habit before it’s too late to Quit Alcohol.Fortunately, there are other options you can choose to replace alcohol. One of the best drinks is Seedlip Spice. It’s a perfectly distilled spirit but non-alcoholic. Your agenda is to avoid alcoholic drinks. It does mean you stop having fun.However, for you to enjoy a non-alcoholic drink, you have to quit the alcoholic drinks. Besides, how do you mix the two? A nonalcoholic drink allows even a pregnant mother to enjoy some drinks during a baby shower as the rest of you do.So, here are ways to quit alcoholic drinks. Be willing: You have to decide to stop alcohol intake. If it doesn't come from you, you'll never quit. Involve your family. Ask them to pour you a glass of Seedlip Spice as they pour theirs. Once you involve your family, they will ensure you succeed in quitting alcohol. Avoid bad company: There is one person who influenced you to drink alcohol. Avoid the person until you are sure you can stand the company without taking alcohol. Otherwise, temptations of taking alcohol are as high before you completely recover. Gradually stop taking alcohol: As much as you are willing to stop alcohol intake, being an addict can stop you from it. Besides, sudden withdrawal may cause more harm than good. The point is quitting alcohol without the need to attend a rehabilitation center. So, choose the days you’ll be taking alcohol and which not. Gradually reduce the days until you completely recover. Identify the need to quit alcohol: Why are you quitting alcohol? Does it have any health effects? If alcohol has made you an irresponsible father or mother, then you need to quit. Identify what alcohol addiction has caused your family because your family is more important to even think of destroying it with excessive alcohol consumption. Identify the benefits of quitting alcohol: If you quit alcohol, what will change, how will you benefit? If the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, quit alcohol. When you quit alcohol, sleep patterns are restored, you enjoy a better life, and you can have a meaningful conversation with your friends. So, why not quit? Reward yourself: Once you take a step towards quitting alcohol, you move a step closer to its success of it. Therefore, reward yourself with a bottle of Seedlip Spice or a trip to Hawaii, which depends on the budget you have. The point is, reward your bold steps toward quitting alcohol. Influence your friends: Once you can avoid alcohol even among your friends, try to introduce them to nonalcoholic drinks. Otherwise, you will remain without a friend. Quitting alcohol shouldn't lead you to lose friends, not unless they are a terrible influence. But, if there is a chance to change their views about alcohol, try and influence them.Quitting alcohol shouldn’t be boring primarily if you have a non-alcoholic drink to replace it. Take one step at a time and don’t overwhelm yourself.Read Also:The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits 3 Alcohol Prevention Tips To Kick Your Old Drinking Habits To The Curb Am I Drinking Too Much? 5 Subtle Signs You Are (Even If You Don’t Think So)