How To Speed Up Your Muscle Injury Recovery

Speed Up Your Muscle Injury Recovery

A muscle injury of any type can be extremely painful, weaken the body, and make it difficult to proceed with your daily activities. Muscle injuries include a pulled muscle or muscle strain and can occur for various reasons. Speeding muscle recovery time is crucial to carrying on with your life without pain.

Muscle injuries can limit the muscle’s movement, not only in that muscle but in surrounding ones attached via tendons and aponeurosis. Arteries, veins, and nerves penetrate the epimysium (connective tissue sheath surrounding the muscle). When a muscle is damaged, nerve impulses are sent to the brain, signaling pain. Blood flow can be compromised in severe muscle damage, and blood loss into the surrounding tissue can cause a bruise or hematoma.

Skeletal muscles also need signals (impulses) from the nerve cell to contract the muscle fiber. When an injured muscle cuts off these nerve impulses, the muscle cannot perform. In bodybuilding, muscle injury is what builds stronger, larger muscles as new cells fill in the tears. However, extreme damage can lead to serious issues.

How Does A Muscle Injury Happen?

A muscle strain can occur in various ways, each causing a different set of problems. Fatigue will not result in the same pain and damage that extreme exercise can cause.

Any strain on a muscle can reduce motion and cause pain. Minor and moderate injuries are easily treated at home. However, more severe damage (diagnosed as grade 3), such as rotator cuff tears, Achilles ruptures, or hamstring ruptures, might require surgery.

Muscle injury can occur in three different areas: within the muscle, at the connection between the muscle and tendon (most frequent), or in the tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone.

Muscle strains and injuries can happen to anyone. While athletes are more likely to experience these injuries, the general population is also at risk. Acute strains can occur while walking if you lose your footing or slip, throw an item, lift something heavy, jump, run, or lift something improperly.

Muscle injuries include:

  • Strains: these contraction-induced injuries occur most often when muscles work across multiple joints during rapid acceleration and deceleration more than the tensile forces the muscle fibers can withstand
  • Contusions: caused by compressive force to the muscle, such as in contact sports collisions that lead to muscle damage with bleeding resulting in a bruise
  • Lacerations: most often occur due to injuries, such as industrial or traumatic accidents that cut the muscle

Here are some of the most common causes of muscle injury:

Poor Conditioning

Engaging in physical activity when the muscles have not been adequately conditioned can increase the risk of injury.

Improper Exercises

Doing extreme, high-intensity exercises or those your body is not used to can cause exercise-induced muscle damage. The ensuing trauma can lead to inflammation, swelling, increased passive tension, decreased muscle strength, soreness, reduced range of motion, and problems with insulin sensitivity as the muscles are involved in glucose uptake.


Overexertion of the muscle can lead to muscle fatigue, weakening it and making it more susceptible to injury.

Improper Warmup

Working the muscles without preparing them through proper warmup exercises and stretches can cause muscle injury. Lack of flexibility can increase the risk of injury as the muscle fibers are tighter than they should be.


Repetitive tasks can cause micro-trauma to the muscles. For example, someone on the computer all day doing repetitive movements with the keys or the mouse may experience muscle pain in the inner elbow or wrist.


Whether caused by sports or trauma, an injury can result in mild to severe damage to the muscle. Bruising is a sign of bleeding, and while minor bruises are not dangerous, some forms of hematomas can be life-threatening in the case of serious injuries, including when fractures or internal organ damage is present.

Poor Posture

Sitting or standing in the wrong position for a long time can strain the muscles. Muscle strains are more common in the neck, back, shoulders, and hamstrings.

What Can You Do For Muscle Injury?

The treatment you need depends on the severity of the muscle strain. Muscle injury is categorized into three grades as follows:

  • Grade 1: mild damage to less than 5% of individual muscle fibers, causing minimal loss of motion and strength.
  • Grade 2: more muscle fibers are affected with increased damage, yet no complete ruptures. The injury can cause significant loss of motion and strength and may take two to three months to heal.
  • Grade 3: complete muscle or tendon rupture that may require surgery to reattach the damaged tissue.

The tips below can help you speed up recovery from a muscle injury:


Injured muscles need time to heal, and that means letting them rest. An injured muscle is more vulnerable to further damage, so avoid activities that can further increase the strain.


Getting adequate sleep is crucial to muscle recovery, as that is the time when growth hormone and insulin growth factor 1 promote cellular regeneration and tissue repair. Anything less than 7 hours reduces recovery efforts inside the body.


Hydrated muscles heal better than dehydrated ones. Along with water, increasing intake of fruit and vegetables provides additional fluids along with crucial vitamins and minerals the body needs for muscle repair.


Compression wrapping of the affected area supports and reduces swelling in the injured area. Do not make the compress too tight, which can cut off circulation.


Raising the injured muscle above heart level decreases blood flow to the area, helping to reduce swelling. The sooner you can do that, the better it is to speed healing.


Applying ice packs to an injured muscle immediately can help reduce swelling and pain. Focus on doing it for 15 minutes every hour for the first two to three days (longer if necessary).

HGH Therapy

It has been clinically proven that HGH not only boosts muscle development but also enhances muscle repair and recovery. Find out what is the HGH cost in the US and whether HGH therapy is right for you.

Manual Therapy

Physical therapy targets the damaged muscle to improve circulation, increase mobility, decrease swelling, reduce pain, and promote healing.


After icing for three days, apply heat a few times daily to restore blood circulation to the area for healing.

Pain Management

There are many ways to manage pain, including over-the-counter medications, prescription painkillers (which can lead to addiction if used long-term), supportive braces, and getting help from a pain management specialist, if needed.

Increase Protein Consumption

Muscles need protein, and eating more protein, along with taking collagen or whey powder supplements, provides the muscles with nutrients to speed the healing process.

Consume Tart Cherry Juice

Studies have shown some benefits of tart cherry juice for reducing inflammation, soreness, and damage to the muscles.

Switch To Low-Impact Exercise During Injury Recovery

Strength and flexibility exercises can help improve strength and range of motion while speeding muscle recovery. A physical therapist can help determine the appropriate exercises for your condition.


Serious injuries may require surgical intervention to improve healing. Seek medical help for severe muscle injuries.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

PRP injections may accelerate muscle tissue regeneration in the damaged area.


Muscle injuries can cause significant pain, bruising, swelling, decreased range of motion, and loss of strength. The pain can be sudden, sporadic, stabbing, achy, ongoing, or combined.

As the muscle heals, stem cells around the injured area regenerate new muscle fibers, and scar tissue forms around the area. Torn muscle tissue may never fully regenerate, making it susceptible to future muscle strains.

Trying the RICE method of rest, ice, compression, and elevation is always the best step to take immediately. A newer recommendation is the PEACE approach, which has you protect the area from further injury by reducing use, elevating to decrease swelling, avoiding anti-inflammatory treatments (ice and NSAIDs) to allow inflammation for healing, compressing the area with a bandage, and educating yourself about the recovery period.

Protecting the muscles from injury is crucial, and giving strained muscles time to heal can reduce the risk of further damage. Seek medical attention if the pain and weakness are ongoing or severe.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Lose Weight

Shocking Expert Tips on How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

It's that time of year again when you know with every delicious morsel you put in your mouth, you're going to regret it come January 1. Different ways you can lose weight can help you to achieve your objectives.That's what New Year's resolutions are for, right?As soon as you're done celebrating the New Year with the champagne and hors-d'oeuvres, you'll be ready for the gym!At least, that's what you're telling yourself. You and 45% other adults in America.The truth is, 80% of those gym memberships everyone signs up for on January 2nd don't get much use past May.Going to the gym takes a lot of work. You have to find a time when you're not at your actual job or running your kids around town. It's just not possible for some people.So, how do you lose weight without buying expensive elliptical machines or showing up to the gym at midnight?If you're already stressing about how to lose weight without exercise, we've got some tips below that will help. How to Lose Weight Without Exercise: Losing weight without exercising sounds impossible. After all, that's what your doctor always says: "Get more exercise!"While we all know that's how you lose weight, there are alternatives that don't involve starving yourself.In fact, if you're lean already and just have some pesky belly fat to get rid of, starving yourself can actually lead to weight gain. Plus, it's really unhealthy to do that.Here are some healthy ways to lose weight without exercise. Eat More Fiber Fad diets also aren't the best idea. But, a change in your overall eating habits with help you lose weight.The easiest change is to add more fiber to your daily diet. Even Harvard agrees and you definitely trust those super-smart folks, don't you?Adding soluble fiber like oatmeal, beans, peas, fruits, and vegetables will help you lose belly fat. But, you'll also have a healthier digestive tract and gut bacteria.Your blood sugar levels will also be better regulated and you'll have great skin. Eat Slower Some experts believe that chewing slowly will help you lose weight. The school of thought is two-fold.First, they allege you take in fewer calories by chewing your food until there are no more lumps. Second, it will help you eat less.There's actually a third benefit. Eat slower means you'll enjoy your meal more. Especially those yummy fruits and veggies! Plastic Surgery This may be a little more extreme than you were looking for. But, there are procedures that are minimally-invasive like body contouring.This is great if you have specific areas you want to target. It's also safe with little side effects. If this option interests you, make sure you read more about it so you understand everything involved. Get More Sleep This is going to sound like music to your ears (or, in this case, eyes) but sleeping more can help you lose weight. The way it works is pure science.Having a regular sleep schedule -- which means being in bed at the same time every night and up at the same time every morning -- keeps your circadian rhythm in check.Your circadian rhythm is one of the most important factors when it comes to the health of your hormones. This affects your body's metabolic rate and its ability to lose weight and keep it off.The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults sleep between seven and nine hours every night. There's a magic number for everyone and you know when you're at your best.The key is consistency. If eight hours is your ideal sleep time, stick to it -- even on the weekends. Too much sleep can make you feel groggy and too little will make you feel like an extra from The Walking Dead. Say Bye-Bye to Belly Fat: You now have some tips on how to lose weight without exercise. Some of these may be a little more extreme than others, but you won't need a gym membership or two extra hours in your busy day.You just need to improve your eating habits, which includes avoiding certain foods. Whatever you do, don't stress over it. That can lead to weight gain, too.For more tips on health and fitness, check out our other posts on our lifestyle blog.Read Also:Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? If You’ve Reached A Weight Loss Plateau, Fix Your Sleep

Staging Interventions

7 Helpful Tips For Staging Interventions

Do you have a friend or family member who is dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol? If they don't realize the harm that their behavior is doing to their loved ones, an intervention may help.During interventions, people will get the chance to speak with a person about how their addiction is taking a toll on those who love them most.This process will give them the chance to get things off their chest. It will also open up an addicted person's eyes and mind so that they understand how they're affecting others.If you're currently planning an intervention, you should take steps to make it as effective as possible. Here are some tips for staging interventions. 1. Pick the Right People to Attend the Intervention : Who is going to be present at your intervention? That's the first thing you should decide before you set anything else up.It's a great idea to get a good mix of people representing the different aspects of a person's life.You might want to invite the following people to interventions:The romantic partner or spouse of the addicted person The parents of the addicted person The siblings of the addicted person The children of the addicted person The close friends of the addicted person A professional who can keep everything running smoothlyOf course, you don't need to invite all of these people.If the addicted person doesn't have a great relationship with his father, you might want to leave him out. You might also want to leave out anyone who could potentially be too emotional to speak clearly during an intervention.But in general, you want all of the people who are most important to a person to be in attendance at interventions. 2. Find a Good Time and Place to Hold It : Once you have decided on who will attend an intervention, decide when and where you will hold it.Pick a time when the addicted person will be sober and most willing to listen. The last thing you want to do is hold the intervention when they're high or intoxicated since they won't be in the right state of mind to listen to others talk to them.Choose a place that will provide a safe and comfortable environment for your intervention.At the same time, you should avoid holding it in a place like your home since there could be a lot of negative emotions attached to your intervention in the future. A church meeting hall or community center might be a better option. 3. Decide Who Will Speak During the Intervention : When you're preparing to hold interventions, you want to make sure everyone knows who is going to talk. After all, you don't want to have everyone talking at once when the intervention begins.Each person should have their time to speak. That's why they're being invited to the intervention. But there should be an order to it.At most interventions, the first and last speaking slots will be reserved for those people whose words will likely have the most impact. You will want a person's spouse or one of their parents to speak during those time periods. 4. Rehearse What Everyone Will Say : Ask the participants to rehearse what they plan to say. Practice your speech before the addicted person arrives.You want to steer clear of just speaking off the cuff. This could lead to you saying something that will upset the person and put a halt to the intervention before everyone has spoken.Take pointers from others who will be attending the intervention. Tweak your words so that they fit into the context of the meeting. 5. Try Not to Lose Your Temper at Any Point : You might be fuming mad at the person who will be at the center of the intervention. Every fiber in your body might be telling you that you should stand up and yell at them.Don't do it.No matter how mad you are, your intervention should provide a safe space for the addicted person to sit and listen. The second you raise your voice, they could potentially get up and leave.You want them to sit and listen to what everyone has to say. Resist the urge to raise your voice. Speak firmly, but not angrily. 6. Prepare Yourself for Whatever Might Happen : Unexpected things tend to happen at interventions. The addicted person might:Break down in tears and beg you to take them to a treatment center Get up and storm out of the room before everyone has talked Yell at those who have come to speak to themUnfortunately, you need to be prepared for just about anything. You never know what's going to happen during an alcohol or drug intervention.If a person demands to go to rehab right away, put a plan in place so you know who will drive them. See more here if you need to find the right rehab for your loved one.If they get angry and start to storm off, have one person they trust give chase and try to convince them not to leave.When you prepare properly, you'll be ready for anything. 7. Understand If the Intervention Doesn't Go According to Plan : At the end of the intervention, the addicted person might get up and walk out without saying a word to anyone. They might show that they're completely unwilling to get the help you think they need.While you'll probably be disappointed, don't let it stop you from continuing to help that person.Who knows? They might come to their senses in a day or two and come around to the idea of getting help.All you can do is speak your mind at the intervention and then allow them to make the next move. Interventions Can Help Break the Cycle of Addiction : If you want to assist your loved one as they search for help for alcohol or drug addiction, consider holding interventions. You should also find out what it's like in a drug recovery center so that you can prepare yourself and your loved one for it if they choose to check into one. Need more tips? Check out our lifestyle blog for more information on dealing with drug and alcohol addiction!Read Also :10 Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol Today Tequila, The Alcoholic Cure-All? 10 Weird Facts About Antidepressants

Newborn Baby Care

8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents

The experience of being a first-time parent can be exciting and overwhelming in equal measures. Despite the advice you get from family and friends during your prenatal period, parenting and especially baby care may still be challenging. Newborn Baby Care can make things easier for you.For instance, you may have questions on how to bond with your baby, what to do when the baby cries and you have no idea what it wants, giving your baby a pacifier, breastfeeding, and so forth. To help you navigate through some of these unique mother-to-child scenarios, below are 8 tips to start you off.  Additionally, you can also check's baby feeding guide for more info. Here are 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents: 1. Prioritize Breast Milk: Breast milk is far more superior to baby formula. It contains antibodies that lower the risk of bacterial and viral infections as well as allergies. Also, breast milk digests easier thereby enhancing the bioavailability of the necessary nutritional components.Working mothers can express breast milk which is then stored, warmed, and fed to their baby in their absence. It is recommended that you feed your baby exclusively on breast milk for the first 6 months. Newborn baby care can make things easier for you. 2. Maintain a Warm Environment: Before the baby’s natural thermoregulatory mechanism kicks on, ensure the immediate environment is warm and cozy enough. You can use a thermostat to set specific temperature ranges at least for the first few weeks. Newborn baby care can make things easier for you.Do not overdress the baby especially on warm or hot days. This can lead to overheating and the development of rashes and heat illnesses. 3. Bathing Your Newborn: Real baths do not begin until the umbilical cord stump has fallen off. Even then, bathing should be monitored to avoid heat loss during and after a bath. Ensure the water is at the right temperature and make the baths short. Sponge bathing is also recommended for newborns.When you live in colder areas, make the bathroom warm enough before the bathing process begins. Exposing your baby to extreme cold may lead to hypothermia. 4. Change Diapers Frequently: If you have never taken care of babies before, diaper changing may seem like a nightmare. On average, you will do diaper changes every two to three hours, but this frequency will drop as the baby approaches 12 months.Getting the best changing table pad can make the process easy and comfortable. Look for a table that is sturdy, preferably with guard rails and ample storage drawers or shelves. 5. Personal Hygiene When Handling the Baby: Babies are sensitive and it is in your best interest that you maintain proper personal hygiene. Immediately before and after interacting with the baby, wash your hands with an antiseptic solution.As much as you can, minimize the baby’s contact with strangers at least for the first few months. Clothes can be contaminated with allergens or microbes hence the need to watch out for their cleanliness. 6. Do Not Interrupt Sleeping Sessions: First-time parents often get concerned about the length of their baby’s sleep. On average, expect newborns to sleep for up to 18 hours a day. However, babies are different and some will be more active compared to others.Do not wake them up in the middle of their sleeping cycles because doing so interferes with their natural activity patterns. When you see your baby sleeping for shorter hours, contact your pediatrician and check for any anomalies. 7. Watch Out for Signs of Neonatal Jaundice: Newborn babies are susceptible to physiological jaundice. For full-term babies, this tends to disappear within 10 days, but for preterm babies, it may extend for a few more days. In case your baby develops jaundice that persists, it could be the pathological type and this requires immediate medical attention.Look out for the yellowing of the skin and sclera (whites of the eyes). Don’t opt for phototherapy unless advised by or done under the care of a pediatrician. 8. Make the Crib Comfortable: It is not uncommon for babies to sleep on you and immediately you transfer them to their cribs, they wake up. The major cause for this is insufficient warmth and comfort in the crib. The best way to counter this trend is to prewarm the crib and gently slip the baby in between the warm blanket folds. NewIn addition, locate the crib away from drafty windows, fans, and air vents. This helps in ensuring a regular indoor environment.There are other tips out there you can include in your checklist. However, the above should set you on the right path to nurturing your bundle of joy. It is important you spend as much time with the baby as possible so that you can bond and create a familiar atmosphere.Read Also:How to Get Your Baby Started on Solid FoodsCauses Of Male & Female Infertility Golden Pregnancy Care Tips For All Expectant Women