1 In 10 Cyber Attacks Is Driven By Espionage


29 August 2023


Cyber Attacks

According to Verizon’s data breach report, 89% of cyber attacks aim to gain financial incentives. The other 11% of attacks happen to get some form of leverage through espionage.

Also known as cyber spying, such malicious attempts target businesses and governments. The goal is to access sensitive information, classified data, or intellectual property for various benefits.

Main tactics used in cyber espionage

Cyber espionage targets and exploits the exclusive nature and anonymity of information networks. As technology advances, hackers are becoming sophisticated, meaning their tactics are diversifying.

In general, their methods include:

  • Supply chain attacks. Supply chain attacks target systems rather than networks. Hackers first infiltrate an organization’s outside provider to get access to the data.
  • Watering hole attacks. Watering hole attacks involve compromising legitimate websites in high-valued industries with malware. The aim is to trick people into accessing a bad site. The goal is to hack an organization’s network by injecting harmful software into users’ computers.
  • Spear phishing attacks. Spear phishing is a customized form of cyber espionage. The method targets high-profile people via email messages that look legitimate. The goal is to make recipients share personal information. This approach allows attackers to access their credit card details or passwords.
  • Zero-day vulnerabilities. A zero-day vulnerability is a tactic used to exploit software flaws overlooked by security teams. It involves implementing malicious code into the software before developers can get a chance to fix it.

How to prevent cyber espionage

Cyber espionage aims to be undetectable from start to end. Perpetrators generally use extreme measures to conceal their motives, identities, and actions. As a result, business leaders must pay attention to how they perceive their organization’s cybersecurity.

In 2020, a nation-state attack targeted several businesses and government agencies in the US. Leading software company SolarWinds got hacked, exposing nearly 18,000 SolarWinds customers, including several US government agencies. The hack compromised systems, data, and networks via a masqued software update.

A supply chain attack was the method used to conduct the attack. It involved inserting malicious code into SolarWinds’s Orion system. To prevent such attacks, every organization should implement basic prevention practices such as:

prevent cyber espionage

Risk assessment analysis

Every organization should recognize the worth of its data and who might want it. Risk assessment is the base for setting up a risk-based security strategy. Being aware of potential threats makes detecting vulnerabilities much easier.

Build a secure system infrastructure

Set a secured perimeter around your organization’s network. An excellent prevention strategy is multi-level security. A layered approach makes cyber espionage attacks more difficult to penetrate. Start by separating your corporate network from sensitive data and limiting access. Implement the zero-trust model to check user identity whenever someone accesses sensitive resources.

Develop a cybersecurity policy

When building a cybersecurity policy, include clearly defined rules around topics such as:

  • Network security. Explain security rules and implementation tactics. Include clear guidelines for accessing computer networks.
  • Network security awareness. Inform all employees about your security mechanisms and processes.
  • Employee onboarding & offboarding. Ensure all security procedures are defined, explained, and followed during the onboarding/offboarding.
  • Password control. Set strict rules on how employees must create, store, and manage passwords within your company. Restrain password reuse on multiple websites and browsers.
  • Network & system access management. Specify procedures for accessing data for remote, regular, and privileged users.
  • Data breach response. Build an action plan for what employees must do if a data breach occurs. Make sure everyone follows the security rules developed.

How to develop a company culture that values security

There’s only so much the IT department of an organization can do to spot a cyber attack. In 2022, 85% of data breach attempts were human-driven. Security awareness training remains one of the best defense mechanisms against cyber attacks.

With a strong security-focused culture, employees gain confidence to make more sensible decisions. This leads to lower security incident risks and reduced time security teams spend addressing threats. How do you build a company culture that values security?

  • Don’t make security policies too technical. Make learning how to scan a file for viruses and using multiple-factor authentication (MFA) easy to understand for everyone.
  • Make sure employees understand why they shouldn’t share passwords and access codes.
  • Talk about incidents that have happened to reinforce the need for security best practices. ●         Set standards, performance metrics, and goals. Track progress frequently.
  • Reward employees for their contribution. Implement an incentive plan to praise employees for improving security throughout the organization.

In conclusion, employees will fail to understand the importance of security if they believe it’s the responsibility of IT. That’s why prevention practices often rely on establishing a strong security culture beforehand.

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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5 Tips To Help You Choose The Best Roller Shutters For Your Factory

As a factory owner, you want that everything related to your production process is sorted at all times. You invest in the best machinery, get the highest-grade raw materials, and employ the most efficient employees to help you create a successful business.In the quest of looking at many things at the same time, you might overlook some other crucial elements, which have the potential to harm your business.Roller shutters are an integral part of ensuring the success of any factory business set-up. They are an invaluable asset for owners and businesses, who do not want any hindrance to their production process.In this article, we take help from Roller Shutters Sydney and ask them for some tips to help factory owners select the best ones for their business. Roller Shutters: Meaning and DefinitionRoller Shutters are known by different names in different regions. They are referred to as ‘Coiling Doors’, or a ‘Roller Door’ or even a ‘Metal Hinged Doors’.They are created mechanically by placing slats of aluminum or iron on top of one another and hinged by welding at the joints. They can be operated manually with a lever, which orchestrates the opening and closing. Larger ones, like the ones in warehouses and warehouses, can also be opened via a mechanized motor.Being robust they provide excellent protection against break-ins. They are also good if your factory is located in a hurricane-prone region (guard against the elements). Roller shutters are also good at providing a lot of efficiency in terms of energy goals. List of 5 Tips to help you choose the Best Roller Shutters for your Factory 1. Decide on the exact nature of your Requirements- Different roller shutters will help you by addressing different needs. It is best that you do your homework and prioritizes your needs and interests. For example, what do you want to achieve with the roller shutters- security, efficiency, weather protection, or something else? You also need to decide whether you want it to be manual or motorized. 2. Check for the Warranties and Guarantees being provided- Good manufacturers offer sizable warranties ranging from three years to ten years. They also provide a guarantee of offering free replacement if the product is damaged. You should always go for roller shutter manufacturers who are confident of their products lasting well. This means that warranties should play a decisive role in your selection process. 3. Does the Roller Shutter Manufacturer offer Regular Maintenance? -Another tip is looking at the maintenance service being provided by the roller shutter manufacturer. For example, if you are using a motorized one, you will be required to change the oil, service the motor, lube the pulleys, and so on. Not servicing the same will ensure that the wear and tear are accelerated to a point, that will be damaging to the shutters. 4. Doing Research on the Manufacturer- As someone who would be investing heavily in the new roller shutters, it is important that you get a fair bit of idea about the company. Whether the company is manufacturing them or just marketing them by bringing the same from China should be an important aspect of your decision making. Family-owned businesses are always preferable to cheaper imports. 5. Quality of the Roller Shutters- Manufacturers usually grade different kinds of roller shutters based on quality. They use the best metals and the most advanced welding techniques for the best grades. Ensure that you are investing in a roller shutter, which is safe and will easily give you peace of mind for the next ten years. The better ones, even stretch to fifteen years of age! The Bottom Line As a business owner, you cannot afford to lose even a day of production in your factory. This sets back multiple things and the restart can take days. This is why you need to ensure that the production process is not hampered in any way.Installing the best roller shutters can remove many of the impediments delaying or stopping production. It can also allow you to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that your factory is safe and secure thanks to your newly purchased roller shutters.Read Also:5 Factors to Consider When Buying a New Garage Door All About Commercial Fire Doors Why Should you Consider Security Doors for Your House?

Social Security Card

How To Replace Your Social Security Card Online

Your Social Security card is a very important document and you need your card for a variety of things. If you want to apply for Social Security retirement benefits or disability benefits you are going to need a copy of your card and you also need a copy of your card to get other types of benefits as well. Your Social Security card is one of the most important documents you own and you need to keep it somewhere safe so it doesn't get lost.Your Social Security card isn't something that you need to show often, but your Social Security number is something that you need to use often. Memorize your Social Security number and that way you won't need to use the card. The Social Security card is small and it is printed on thin paper which makes it easy to lose or damage. If you have lost or damaged your card you are going to need to get a new one.One of the most convenient ways to get your Social Security card is to apply for it online. If you apply for a replacement card online you won't need to leave the house and you won't have to go to the Social Security office. The Social Security office can be a true nightmare, especially if you don't like standing in line. It can take forever to be seen and the office is always crowded no matter when you go. You have to take a number and wait, and wait, and wait. Sometimes it can take hours to be seen.It is much more convenient to get your social security card online because you won't need to wait at the office and you can fill out the application at any time. You don't even save time by going to the office because they won't issue a card on the spot. You have to wait for it to come in the mail no matter how you apply so you might as well get your card online.You will have to prove your identity when you get your replacement card. You need to prove your age and citizenship. You will need your driver's license and birth certificate to prove your age and identity. The birth certificate has to be a certified copy or an original. If you don't have the right documents you won't be able to get your card so make sure that you have the documents you need. You might also need to provide additional documents. You can get a list of the documents you need on the Social Security website. If you are missing even one document you won't be able to get your card so make sure that you have everything you need before you start the application.If you are missing a document you won't be able to get your card so make sure that you have everything you need before you begin the application. It can take some time to gather the documents so give yourself plenty of time to get the documents together so you are ready to get your new card without any problems. There can be a lot of problems when you are applying for your card if you are not prepared so make sure that you have everything you need and that you are prepared to get the card.You can get a replacement card for free. You won't have to pay anything for it and it will come in the mail. It doesn't matter whether you apply for your card in person or you apply online, the card is going to come through the mail no matter what you end up doing. It takes about three weeks to get your card so you need to make sure that you have an idea about when it is going to come. If your card gets lost or stolen you could end up becoming a victim of identity theft and if this happens your life is going to be difficult.The only thing an identity thief needs to steal your identity is your Social Security number. They can easily steal your identity with your Social Security number and start opening up lots of different accounts in your name. They run up the credit cards and leave you with the bill. You could end up getting sued by the creditors and your credit score is going to be destroyed while you are trying to clear your name. You will have to file police reports and do many time-consuming things to clear your name.If you have your identity stolen and you need to buy a car or you were planning on buying a home you won't be able to do the things you want because your credit score is going to be low. Straightening out a case of identity theft can be difficult and it can also be a lot of work. You are going to have to work hard to clear your name and it can take a long time to get things fixed.If you don't get your replacement Social Security card when you are supposed to get it to make sure you that you report your card as stolen or missing. The Social Security Administration will send you out a new card. Once you get your card you want to make sure that you keep it in a safe place. Memorize your Social Security number since you need to use it for many different things. The card you rarely need to show so be sure to keep the card in a drawer or safe. You don't want to end up losing the card again.Getting a replacement Social Security card is very easy as long as you have the right documents. You have to be willing to show the documents you need and you want to keep an eye on the card in case it gets lost. Your Social Security card is an important document and you are going to need it when you retire.Read Also:Why DRM Is The New Standard For Document Security “Which Backend Keys Makes Social Networking Sites & Apps Works Smoothly?


How To Find A Locksmith To Trust With Your Home Security, Locks & Keys

Professionally skilled personnel exclusively in terms of lock and key repair is known as a locksmith, who might also work as a forensic locksmith and can unbolt locked or jammed car doors, or can program it to the car’s mainframe computer to gain access. They have the potentiality to perceive, execute, troubleshoot and maintain pre define key systems and also both mechanical locking and electronic smart cards.The locksmiths support in making key duplication, lock installation, key extraction and also ensure proper care in the maintenance of equipment. So, for seeking professional assistance from certified locksmiths, you can check out https://ilocksecurity.com.au/ Points on how to avoid fraudulent Locksmiths so that they can’t barge into homes or cars in any near: 1. Research before Hiring a Locksmith: Searching in advance with the help of the Internet even before calling up a particular locksmith company is even more convenient, isn’t it? The Internet serves you with a plethora of options to choose in between locksmiths’ firms, so it is better to consult with some professionals. Finding out the registration and local address is easier on the Internet than getting spammed by some local fake companies. 2. Ask for Identification:When Locksmiths reach their destination, they must produce authenticate identification cards and licenses. Most countries consider practicing the work of locksmith or running a locksmith agency firm without a proper license as a crime. 3. Locksmiths Must Show up in Unmarked Cars: Originals locksmith business firms will recruit their technicians with marked vehicles with company logos, contact numbers and brand-name on it.  Customers must not let locksmiths work if they fail to present in such manner, as they are majorly inexperienced, poorly equipped, and workers with no license who might damage the locks. 4. Inquire about Cost Estimate and Additional Charges:Before agreeing to perform the work, customers must demand a written statement of the charges, which includes the emergency service charges if any. No additional charges are imposed should be checked. Scammers might create a hoax by claiming the locks should be replaced as they are obsolete. 5. Beware of Locksmiths who talk about Price before the Work Starts: They ask for cash even before starting to perform their work. They will never let transactions happen through credit cards as that will make it easy to trace them; they will urge you to pay in cash and debit cards. 6. Locksmiths who answer the Phone without mentioning the Company name are suspicious: By implementing the usage of erroneous business names, addresses, unregistered locksmith firms can fool their consumers. Be sure that while calling a company, they pick up the call with a proper business name rather than merely saying “locksmith services”, these are often fraudulent or unregistered services. 7. Locksmiths who want to Drill your Lock:There have been cases in which locks were drilled as they couldn’t be unlocked because those locks were mostly high-security locks. So, when a locksmith forces a lock to be replaced and drilled by a few minutes’ investigations, he may be a fraudulent locksmith.In most cases, high-skilled workers carry tools to unlock any kind of door. Drilling locks would end up claiming huge bucks from your wallet, and instead, they would fit some low-quality locks. Conclusion: This article highlights the various tips to survive from the market of corruption as locksmith scamming has become a huge growing trend in today’s scenario. Besides the above-stated suggestion, always keep in mind, that, never leave any stranger locksmiths alone to work. Hopefully, this article was helpful enough to make you aware of the precautions to be taken before hiring a locksmith.Read Also: 5 Tips To Safeguard Your Home From Intruders Top 10 Effective Tips To Keep Your Home Safe Dutch Locksmithing Company Reveals How To Get Best Prices